
I’m going to go out on a limb here and speculate this was likely suicide by way of circumstance, and alcohol reduced the barriers to thoughts she was already having. Eight minutes is an absolute eternity in a life or death situation and it appears as though she made no attempt to reach 911 herself, her spouse, or

I almost admire Altima drivers for their zen-like ability to simply not give a shit. Running two safety spares at the same time? Fine. Bumper or muffler hanging off? Whatever. Spiderwebbed windshield? All good, man.

I won’t say “exclusively” because I don’t want to paint with such a broad brush and purchasing decisions can be nuanced. However, I have to say the Dodge Challenger/Charger twins. Take a drive through the downtown area of my city on any morning and you are almost certain to see at least one Challenger bent around a

Agreed. I’d love to see the Triton and Delica off-road vans in the US. Mitsubishi needs to find a niche to survive in this market, and 2 very mediocre CUVs and one penalty box of a small car isn’t getting them anywhere. 

Even if I didn’t own one, I would still say the Volvo C30. Especially the Rebel Blue Polestars that we only got 250 of in the United States. The GTI and Mini were already too well-established to give the C30 much of a chance, resulting in a short model run with only about 20,000 sold in the US. Weird, quirky,

To add to the conspiracies: the Elon connection in this family runs deeper than anyone is willing to speak about. McConnell himself frequently fails to engage drive, gets stuck in neutral, and has accidentally reversed down the stairs a couple of times already. Plenty of evidence to suggest that he too is powered by

Sounds like a textbook case of cops following their training to issue confusing commands and deploy questionable tactics.

Whatever your age, you cooked some real millennial-hipster energy into that response. “The Beach Boys were okay but I preferred this other, often overlooked band.” You sir, can drive whatever you like and tuck your shirt into whatever bottoms you want, because you clearly know the meaning of cool.

I’m viewing it as an excuse for a personalized upgrade. I’ve always liked Volvo’s City Weave pattern and plan to do something similar that retains the cozy, minimalist Volvo feel. And I just really love plaid seats.

Looking past annoyances like chasing down sunroof leaks and how absurdly difficult it is to access and replace the cabin air filter, I nominate the light grey fabric seat inserts in my Volvo C30. Water stains them. Anything from rain water to pure, filtered bottled water will leave a small discoloration. I’ve yet to

It doesn’t matter what I think, because there is a large enough number of older American males—the type who tuck t-shirts into jean shorts and view “Kokomo” as the Beach Boys’ best work—who would fight each other over this.

If you mean these guys, you’re not entirely wrong.

This was indeed a weird time, but also one of the most fascinating. The “ovoid” shape was embraced as an outright rejection of the blocky, squared-off designs of the past and everyone embraced it as being sleek and modern. In some cases it worked (RX-7 FD) but in most it didn’t, as noted below by the 3rd gen Taurus.

I know they have their fans, but I’ve always found the Chrysler 300, especially the first gen models, to be supremely unattractive. Everything about them looked so cartoonishly overwrought...and cheap. It wants to imitate a baby Bentley but pulls that off as well as counterfeited Gucci sunglasses or Louis Vuitton bags

ND out of principle, regardless of what the market says. I know $10k isn’t a ton of money, but I can’t justify that to myself for a 30-year old, 2wd, single-cab truck that is basically a commemorative plastic beer cup from a race that nobody even remembers.

You could fill a shitty 1.5 mile tunnel in Las Vegas with everything that Musk has failed to “make good” on. Most likely, he will instead choose to drag this woman and her business on his also-shitty social platform for expecting a “handout” or any type of charity from him, or insinuate she is a lousy business owner

Everyone has probably heard some variation of the unknown scientist, who in the mid-20th century, invented a magic carburetor which allowed vehicles to get 100+ MPG but was either silenced or murdered through some shadowy plot carried out by the big oil and automotive companies.

Earning $70k a year is not that far above the average American salary of ~$60k. That figure does not easily make you a member of the New Jag Club (especially 2 of them!) without some serious compromises, or somehow being lucky enough to have absurdly minimal living expenses. She is lucky to be making good money for

Absolutely. And no sequel could ever match the impact of Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for the NES. For anyone who wasn’t alive at the time, or just too young, it would be nearly impossible to explain the cultural juggernaut that was Mike Tyson. Almost overnight, kids in every schoolyard across the US were having

Ahh...I clearly misunderstood how these worked then. Now that I’ve watched a couple of videos explaining how they function, I do recognize them as being pretty damn cool. I guess I thought they were just a minor improvement to the existing automatic on/off tech (for which I have hated every version I’ve experienced) or