
He’ll be released in two years or less. From what we know of his history, it sounds like this POS is no stranger to the justice system anyway. Some creative sentencing to humiliate this guy and reduce his fragile ego to shreds would have been nice. I hope his victims have a fat civil suit lined up to make his life

As a kid, my mom would sometimes stop at the local wash when we were out running errands. It was the kind where you went inside and got to watch your car through an enormous window as it got pulled through and covered in rainbow-colored suds. Wildly exciting for a child. Even more exciting was getting a free sucker

I think GM had already acquired a 50% stake in Saab at least a decade or so prior to the full buyout, and the platform that the 9-3 rides on was developed in partnership with GM. So, there’s a lot of GM in there. I don’t have enough experience with Saabs to have a dog in that fight, but a lot of purists will point to

This is a very nice car, probably as nice as you’ll find for an early 2000's Viggen, and I really like it. But I do think the price is too high. There seems to be only two types of Saabs left: 1) Those being driven into the ground because Saab is a dead brand, and 2) Those owned by people who think a dead brand equals

1. If people have to brake because of your lane change, you’re doing it wrong.

This could be an ideal buy for someone looking for an inexpensive work/transport vehicle to haul things around from place to place. Treat it like a work vehicle, don’t worry about the paint (taste is subjective anyway) and just accept whatever dings come along without stressing about it. Plenty of space if someone

This is part of Elon’s plan to eliminate lesser children from the gene pool, thus ensuring his brood will shape the future by virtue of carrying his obviously superior DNA.

The Papa is looking real greasy these days. They should get that man on a dissection table because he might hold the keys to infinite viscosity. 

Premix fuel with garlic butter dipping sauce or deliver it directly via Sohn adapter and it’s all good.

If someone loves Subarus and just needs to have it, sure. However, it would be key to recognize these aren’t too far removed from tractors. These early Subies were very agricultural, not at all pleasant to drive, and several steps behind their Japanese contemporaries on build quality and reliability. If early JDM is

Where I live, you are probably more likely to be shot by an accountant or corporate manager than the criminal element they’ve convinced themselves is the real threat. Nobody can convince me that a bunch of people who live in a bubble and think being armed at all times is simply a means of “leveling the playing field”.

You know that open carry and concealed are not the same and states have different laws, right? Stay scared, though.

This is why I love a well-planned traffic circle. Not only is it more efficient in most cases, but people aren’t as impatient when they are allowed to keep moving, and it requires them to pay more attention. Too bad they aren’t more common throughout the US.

Some are paranoid idiots, others are just laughably insecure about wanting to look tough, and then you have the really concerning bunch that wake up every day and hope they get to live out their fantasy of being the “good guy hero” and getting lucky enough to shoot someone by being in the right place at the right

How four-way stops work and being able to recognize who has right of way. It’s not a complex system, but there’s a little more to it than “he who dares wins” when four people arrive at the same time. Just yield to the vehicle on the right so we don’t get four people doing this...

Exactly what I came here to say. Would also add “wipers on = headlights on”

Know how you can be in the presence of a bad smell but it eventually gets better? This is like being able to see that smell, but no matter how long you look at it, it doesn’t get any better.

Starring and replying to boost. No, the coal industry is certainly not a friend of Kentucky. I can’t understand the cheerleading and support people still have for this industry. It destroyed their land, broke their unions, killed their families, led to multi-generational health issues, and left them destitute and

Ha - I agree! I almost posted that one too. I swear, that plate is only picked about 90% of the time by people trying to color match to a black car with no thought given to the actual message. More recently, I’m seeing it on a lot of black Teslas. Unsure if it’s an attempt at irony or just poorly considered

Yeeeup. Choose Life Inc., running this grift in nearly 40 states.