Hank Greenbush


They still won’t sleep with you bro regardless of what a nice guy you are

Everyone is freaking out about this, yet we seem to gloss over Muslim countries who force women to cover up in public or else face fines, arrest, or worse and just say ‘well, it’s their culture’ or some shit.

So you genuinely believe that a woman would cover her whole body in cloth that makes it difficult to breath and handle summer heat out of “want”? 

They do actively harm women’s opportunities for employment and education. And orthodox jews don’t cover their faces.

Also, don’t listen to Tomatoface, wigs are meant to differentiate. They’re meant to identify married orthodox women.

That already happens, burqa or not. Honor killings are real. In fact, and let me tell you this story is a crazy one! In fact, there is just such a case going on right now in Pakistan, I believe. Their version of Kim K was just murdered by her brother in an “honor killing!” Can you believe it? If she wasn’t so

I’m weirdly comforted by the fact that Tomatoface is still around. He’s a much higher class of troll than most of our current crop.

Exactly. Try to name one thing Muslim women force upon Muslim men? But somehow that’s empowering?

“It’s so empowering to cover my face!”

That’s what happens when you grow up without a father.

Would you say that the name on the front of the jersey is more important than the name on the back?

Dusty will make him do some towel drills and then turn him into Mark Prior.

Tom Ford is not only fucked in his ass, but also fucked in the head.

Quiet tomatoface

So what would you do? You’ve already said no electricity is needed and one would presume that you wouldn’t suggest they add central air or a 50/70 flat screen. So what do you do? You have a place to cook, you have fire for warmth and a bunk to sleep on. Insulation would be cool but it’s probably not that easy to

eh... thats how i usually describe teenagers... brains that still need to be filled, hearts that dont know what they want, and monster energy

A guys’ weekend, camping and or hunting with your buddy, is the gayest now.

That shit work without electricity?
I’m sure you’re not a teepee expert but I’m curious as to what kind of improvements you’d make. Besides air and a 70" (probably more like a 50" but hey, I do the same thing when talking about my dick (say it’s seven when it’s 5).

There’s the “guilt” phase...