Hank Greenbush

Tents work awesome on the side of a hill. You just have to get some sticks and mud to make a little flat platform or whatever before you set up the tent. Some of the best tent times I’ve had are on the sides of hills.

Crocs are good for environments slopped with blood and such. Nurses wear Crocs all the time. Especially baby nurses. I would keep Crocs but this is just my personal opinion.

They don’t choose to tho bro, you know?


I would bet anything that you are correct.

I think I finally understand what “woke” means. I means you rationalize everything to oblivion and meaning ceases to exist. That is a less offensive way of saying that one who is woke is necessarily also an idiot.

Agree. It’s ridiculous to just choose to believe that they are making a choice borne of their own free will. There is a whole lot of misogynistic nurturing that goes into that “choice.” Or just the husband demanding she wear it or else.

Ha. That reply makes no sense in context, which is great, because when you take your nonsensical reply and put it in the frame of this conversation it makes you calling others ignorant even more ironic. In a funny way. Irony was funny before hipsters ruined it.

Obviously not, just highlighting that they are bullied into “liking” something that literally hides them from the world.

Ha! That was a good one. I personally always went back to the Andrew Rahart post [original name for that account, used when I posted this, was REDWHITEandBLUE] responding to the Suge Knight story where he ran that guy over.

Guess how many times this cheap, lazy retort has already been used.

Gawker really should have archived the comments along with the blog posts.

I’m getting a hang on what causes an itch over on Deadspin. Still, the commenting there is so boring compared to Gawker.

Well, they are not literally hiding a woman’s identity from the rest of the world. Altering it, sure. Nothing wrong with that.

Wrong. And who the hell is Hachi?

You are starting to bore me, Keeva! Use more intelligent arguments.

Or I simply don’t visit Kinja sites as much. Also, my burners here get banned and deleted the day of creation now. It’s not really worth it anymore. Gawker was fun, but Deadspin is a bunch of retards. Sorry about using the R word. And Jezebel was never all that fun.

This sort of pandering will most certainly not get you laid, my friend.

Not “good on them.” You mean, “good for the male-dominated culture that demands women wear bags over their bodies.”