
… which didn’t work out so well.

This is one of the most obnoxious, bloodthirsty, self-righteous articles I’ve read on here. This almost rivals the Ellie Kemper fiasco for ‘AV Club author desperately reaches to impugn artist’s character’ vibes.

My understanding is that the next special will be a three-parter. While we’ve seen set photos for Tennant (as well as the regeneration), wouldn’t it be something absolutely fantastic for each of the new who doctors to get a “finish the unfinished business” episode? 10 has to take care of the Donna situation, 9 has to

It seems like it will be a missed opportunity if there isn’t a teamup of the Tennant and Whittaker doctors at some point, but it seems like bringing her back so soon after her regeneration seems odd too, though I  guess it can be excused if they are explaining it as something wrong or incomplete about her regeneration

This announcement only says the new episodes will be on Disney+, so I wonder what that means for the previous 13 seasons. They’re streaming on HBO Max right now, a service that is set to disappear next summer. I have to imagine they’ll land somewhere, whether that’s Disney+ or whatever the new WB Discovery service

to be fair Eve didn’t create Riri or come up with her backstory (that was Brian Michael Bendis) and her hiring was due in part to that controversy in first place

Yea this article is...really not good.

In terms of nitpicking the episode to death over it’s many many faults, I love how literally every single baddie of the Chibnall era can teleport at will (including The Master, who can also teleport 106 years through time), and we clearly see the Cybermen teleporting off the train, yet somehow the Master needed to

Now playing

As with most other people who generally hated the Chibnall era, I’m also in the camp that this one practically counted as good. But again, that bar has been set so execrably low by the past three seasons that it’s almost impossible to fail anywhere but up.

I haven’t seen the new episode, so I can’t speak to it, but I’m just frustrated at the quality of the Thirteenth Doctor’s tenure. I was up to date on her episodes until the start of Flux last year, when I got bored (and busy moving) and dropped it. I’m catching up (a few episodes into Flux now, should be fully caught

One thing, to me, about Chibnall’s run is that stories like these where he puts 3-4 plates in the air and let the Doctor work through them — or in this case, for her to close the case after Yaz and Vinder maneuver The Master into giving up her body — are at least more watchable than what he would do if forced to focus

Matt Smith was my favorite & to me the most convincingly alien doctor since Tom Baker

I watched the regeneration scene. Why do the clothes regenerate? I’m guessing they’ll tempobabble a reason, but can they come up with a convincing explanation beyond “David Tennant didn’t want to wear Jodie Whitaker’s outfit”?

Man, there was so much good and interesting stuff that came up in this episode and then was immediately swept away by something else entirely. It’s genuinely hard to even keep up, and 13 seems to be mirroring Chibnall when she keeps saying that she doesn’t have time to explain, there’s more plot to rush headlong into,

Just watched the latest episode ‘The Power of the Doctor’ and just wanna get out some thoughts. Basically... this episode is kind of a fitting ending for the Chibnall era, in that it encapsulates everything wrong with his reign as showrunner as well as the few bits of good about it.

Smith is my favorite as well. Tennant was great, but the schmoopy teen angst between him and Rose got really tiring, and it (IMO) actively harmed Martha’s tenure as companion.

All right, fine, Matt Smith. It seems strange no one else has given this objectively correct response so far, but here we are.

Not only did Maslany play all of those Orphan Black characters uniquely, she also played some of them pretending to be others, and she was able to subtly let the audience know while fooling the other characters in the show.

She really is outstanding.

She-Hulk was exactly the low-stakes comedy the MCU needed. It was such a breath of fresh air compared to the other series. Even Ms Marvel got heavy at times.

incel nerds about other MCU things: Nooooo itz nott laik that inn thuh comiczzzzz ;____;