
Yeah, this is the place for general games discussion, and I love seeing these big, meaty posts. That Disney game looks so damn weird...

Something to add is to play Mystery Heroes if AI games don’t keep you interested. It will allow you to play and learn every hero over time and the pressure to win is minimal compared to Quick Play.
With the randomness, you will learn how different Heroes can play off of each other. 

Probably not, but back when AVClub was thriving,. people did.

Yeah I totally agree with you, also as a long-time comic fan.

I just recently saw that YouTube video of her holding a crazy garage sale of a shitton of amazing memorabilia - her outfits, her accordions, stuff from her movies, stuff from other famous people, totally weird shit - pretty much as awesome as you’d hope for Judy Freakin Tenuta’s garage sale to be. I was shocked at

He was in the trailer for the series months ago.

I don’t think they are catering to non-fans, actually. I think they’re catering to someone like me, who is a fan and will get the references, but not a self-serious one and so will enjoy the difference in tone and focus. It doesn’t bother me whatsoever that it feels so different from the rest of the MCU because I’m

I’m pretty sure that the world’s leading superhero show company knows more about the people that like their content than a fan who simply has narrower tastes. For better or worse.

A more illuminating question: why do you think this is a superhero show for people who don’t like superhero shows, and why does that make it

- Wakanda being isolationist means he couldn’t have studied abroad there

I absolutely love how two of the biggest man-whores in comics, Daredevil and Nightcrawler, are both tortured Catholics.

My issue with the Gala was didn’t Jen JUST wake up? And the gala was at night? I mean I know (or I assume... I don’t know) that these events take a lot of time to get ready for, particularly for women, and maybe due to such a long night Jen and Matt slept until early afternoon, or... something? The timing just felt

Matt has “dated” a shocking amount of people, let’s put it that way.

I kind of have a different read on this show. I’m a comics fan and I don’t feel like the show is being particularly insulting as much as its lightly poking fun as some of the sillier aspects of the MCU. More broadly, since the MCU is kind of a huge slice of modern pop culture, my thinking is it belongs to everyone who

DD is pretty much a local hero. Not surprising she’s never heard of him.

Give whoever wrote and timed out that Nikki as Wolverine bit a raise.

That was... what’s that word I’m looking for?

she’s stopped by some conveniently quick SWAT team guys

I think this single episode gave us more time with Matt in an actual courtroom than the entirety of the Netflix Daredevil series.

Major props for just straight-up putting two guys in Doomcock masks as Intelligensia’s mouthpiece. This show just does not give a single fuck about telling these assholes “Yeah, we’re talking about you specifically.”

I am now convinced that all the twitter trolling and hate on this show has just been some AR marketing campaign that will ultimately tie in with the show’s hulkking trolls. This is the only logical explanation for all the insanely dumb shit people post to shit on this show. None of it can actually be coming from real