
10,000 Maniacs?

Time to call up Weird Al

Amy Irving actually married Spielberg in 1985, one year after Temple of Doom was released. They dated in the seventies, then had a breakup, which reportedly cost her the part of Marion in Raiders. Then they reunited around 1984, had a child together and married. If Spielberg had some fling with Capshaw during

To be fair, this site ran a shit-ton of articles about Everything Everywhere.

If Pugh was dating Zach Braff, who’s apparently friends with Jason Sudeikis, it could be she was pissed at Wilde for cheating on her boyfriend’s friend. Plus what you said.

If Spielberg had a tendency to disappear from the set with Harry Styles, yeah, I bet we’d be discussing the hell out of it.

there’s nary a transformation Theron isn’t willing to take in the name of a strong creative vision

Kinja readers: stop posting about his movie, no one cares!

Maybe I’m crazy, but I feel like just saying:

To be fair, the evidence you’re citing would also be the output of that process.

Feels like 2 Days in the Valley to me.

Misleading headline makes it seem like the offending director said “be more fuckable” to her.

I don’t know if it’s intentional or pure coincidence, but I do think it’s also a little funny that we get this reference so soon after having gotten an Illuminati as well.

My thought was the guy flirting with Jen was specifically expressing how he liked her *as* Jen to give himself a shot at being close to her in a private setting with non-Hulk skin”

Same thought here, but you’re right that the final shot of the beefed-up needle throws cold water on that idea.  I still think there’s

Oh, you guys are both right. And the safe money is the Leader.

Mr. Immortal is exactly the kind of Marvel D-Lister I was hoping this show would dredge up. My absolute favorite thing about Slott’s She-Hulk run was how he would pull some of the greatest oddball characters out of Marvel obscurity and I want more of that here!

<pedant>“Shulkie", not "Shulky".</pedant>

My thought was the guy flirting with Jen was specifically expressing how he liked her *as* Jen to give himself a shot at being close to her in a private setting with non-Hulk skin, but the mysterious scientists producing bigger, scarier needles probably debunks that guess. Hopefully he was just a nice guy and a win

* Fin Fang Foom. Fixed it for ya! 

So the visual link-up between finding out about “The Intelligencia” and the subsequent cut to the lab where they were reinforcing the needle so as to get them some gamma-blood really adds to that “this is how they reintroduce The Leader” speculation, doesn’t it?