
These days, whenever anyone says “keep politics out! Stick to XYZ!”, I assume they aren’t actually bothered about the presence of politics or the social message. They are just expressing disagreement with the particular issue being presented. After all, they would not complain one moment if their favorite celebrity

Amen to that. I love how these people get on a high horse about calling others snowflakes, but they throw a temper tantrum over someone wearing a t-shirt or a Starbucks cup saying “happy holidays”.

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Would excessive speeding like this be reduced if all speed limits were based on some sort of scientifically-based actual safe traveling speed, rather than having areas of arbitrary reduced limits, seemingly for no reason other than revenue generation?

Oh yeah, and when you’re asleep in your bed and they murder you? And then protect the cops who pulled the trigger blindly. That’s the fucking problem.

Eh, not if they’re coming in honestly and healthily. I have absolutely zero issue with Elizabeth here coming to visit her beau, and staying isolated and secure when doing so, after having already been tested before getting to the border, and checked again at the border.

I will assume everyone driving one of these Audi Polygons must be a significant fraudster.

Yeah but for the past few minutes, we all forgot aboug being cucked by Russia.