
Me: OK Google, scare me.

Another option on android is to add a Settings widget to your home screen. One of the Settings Widget’s options is to point at the Notification Log. Not as pretty or easy-to-read as a dedicated app, true, but doable in stock android without one..

“Ala carte” did not mean we wanted to trade $200 cable bills for $70 broadband plus $10 per month per channel, never mind per freaking show...

Sold to Amazon after the first and only season to try to recover production costs.

Gotta save those opioid abusing white people who voted for Trump!

FU-VZ. I’ll VPN like I had to do with AT&T. Can’t limit what you can’t see.

The number 1 rule I was taught:

Shutter the company and burn down their datacentres...they’ve lost the right to operate.

Heh. I don’t even mention email. “I’ll be out of the from XX to XX and will respond to your message upon my return.”

I tell my reports this all the time: it’s about training your colleagues. If you always respond within five minutes, they’ll freak out if it takes you an hour. But if you always respond within 24 hours, 1 hour looks fast. I also try to avoid responding outside of normal business hours or on weekends even if I’m

Something that a lot of people miss is back channel availability. When I’m on vacation, I’m definitely reachable to the people covering for me in case they need something, but it’s the rest of the company I’m not available for. That way, I’m letting my team learn and grow and exercise authority with my support, and

Making it appear that you’re completely unavailable at certain levels makes you look like a shitty manager and like someone who can’t be trusted.

Fair enough. There are examples where that won’t always be the case.

If you’re that critical a member of an org (Sr VP let’s say!), and you have not hired or empowered ANYONE at your company, or on your team, to address issues for a week or two, then I’d seriously question your management capabilities. You’re doing the company a grave disservice if you don’t have anyone on your team

Or, better idea. Don’t lie, and simply say “I am out of the office until XXXX If you have an urgent need, please contact YYYYY, otherwise I will respond to you when I’m in back in the office.”

My out of office always gives an alternate contact if it is an urgent issue and says that I will reply upon my return. I guess I work for a pretty cool group within my company because this has never been an issue. I also check my email zero times during vacations or outside of working hours to be honest.

Trademarks, not copyrights.

“Our president tweeted that the government should “Let Obamacare implode, then deal.””

This is the crux of it, really. Republicans will dig a tunnel under the walls of Obamacare, set the charges, and collapse the wall by blowing out its supports. They’re already doing this by defunding the subsidies that make the