
I’ve been using the mobile site for almost 2 years now. I just dropped a shortcut on the home screen and never looked back.

I avoid flying whenever possible. I’d rather drive 800 miles in a blizzard than deal with the TSA and passengers on-line at O’Hare.

I left Verizon years ago. With an LTE footprint nearly the same, T-Mobile has been better in every way and is now the carrier moving the industry forward. I’m still on the older, completely unlimited data plan, but unlimited is all they have now. It’s time to stop believing those dumb Verizon commercials and look at

Oh, no, our culture certainly isn’t ready for it. The employees are, but the employers aren’t.

Most companies in the US don’t do contracts.

Easiest solution for you: your company issued cell phone, which was only intended for reaching you while you are on site in the warehouse, stays on your desk at work when you go home. Problem solved.

I like how they assume the chefs are improperly handling the meat and not that it was simply cut from the show because it’s boring.

I know it’s entirely a marketing thing but I hate when companies swap out what should be ‘included’ or ‘unlimited’ for “free.” Like back in the day people would say “I get free nights and weekends!” Really? Then why is your phone bill $80 a month? You mean you get unlimited nights and weekends. Unless you get a free

One minor clarification, Kindle First is actually purchasing the book for free. So even if you cancel Prime, those books are yours.

I for one support sending Trump to the moon.

The video also serves as an important reminder for today’s generation when it comes to using the world wide web: never, ever film anything in portrait mode.

Cannot get over how oblivious that red car was.

Flying sucks. My job used to be 50% travel (all coach) so I think I can say that. The fact that American, Delta, USAir, etc., act like you should feel fucking privileged to set foot on their flying influenza-buses just makes it worse. Southwest’s attitude of, “Yeah, we know this kinda sucks so we’re going to have

Ah well, when an employee who’s not an employee is in a driverless car that’s not a driverless car, it’s easy to understand why they might treat a red light like it’s not a red light.

I’m not the one starting an argument; that would be you. I was pointing out someone’s errors for their edification and you chose to insert yourself in our conversation by swearing at me. So I guess if by “Troll alert” you’re announcing yourself, then that makes sense.

Alright; clearly you’re taking the super defensive route.

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they were simply unaware and would want to know that they made an error that is easily avoided in the future. But yes, it’s entirely possible that they don’t care at all.

Nope. Just letting you know what it should be. I assumed you would want to know the errors so that you wouldn’t make them in the future; there’s no need to make errors that are easily avoided, right?

Given that I made no expressions of opinion, it’s interesting that you interpreted simple factual corrections as a sign of arrogance. Additionally, resorting to swearing/name-calling as a response is an interesting tactic; unproductive, but interesting.