
Same, only it starts getting funky closer to 30 hours for me. That’s basically my max before I start to lose my mind. The body may be a well-oiled machine, but my head is an over-oiled one.

I shower every day because my hair is oily as hell, looks awful when I wake up, and will start smelling about 36 hours after the last shower. :( In any case, I don’t use soap except on the areas you mentioned. It's really not necessary if you use your hands to lightly rub and scrub while in the shower.

This is something I find myself really at odds with.

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

I’m not really sure what your expectations are, but they seem to be pretty high.

What’s the current alternative? Walking? There’s 29,000-32,000 automobile deaths a year in the US. Add in accidents not resulting in deaths, there’s a hell of a lot of incidents a year involving motor vehicles.

But Cummings called driving “one of the most complex domains” there is—even more so than aviation.

I came here just to post that. Enjoy the 300+ stars you’ll receive for everyone wanting to say the same thing

Robot? It’s a human in a suit.

If you’re running a desktop computer at several hundred watts, sure, and that’s what the post says. But you can also use it for low-draw devices like networking gear, phone chargers, or lights, and it’ll last much longer.

If you’re running a desktop computer at several hundred watts, sure, and that’s what the post says. But you can also

I am pleased to know that the majority of these comments were for the support and recognition of SG1.

Also, who’s leg have i go to hump around here to get out of the Doldrums of ‘The Greys’.

where’s the stargate?

Made famous by Terminator?! I think Colonel Jack O’Neill and the rest of SG-1 would have something to say about that. But seriously, not one single mention of the ten-year run of Stargate SG-1, with several establishing shots of Cheyenne Mountain in every episode?

I go WAY back with Malwarebytes. I started playing with computers in 1972 with a RadioShack TRS-80. I’ve had the 1,000th Apple Mac Plus. We never had virus and malware issues until Microsoft Windows became predominant and it became profitable to exploit it. I probably have tried and used every virus and malware

Didn’t work for me because Citi-cards are a bunch of assholes.

My biggest complaint about Costco, (and this is gonna be a hawt take, so prepare yourselves) is the fucking free sample cart placement. It’s always right in the middle at the beginning (or end) of the aisle, creating this huge logjam of assholes who park their cart, waddle over and cram whatever processed hot food is

Even if it is actually compliant, I guarantee some TSA agent with a power complex will still confiscate it for bullshit reasons that they dream up on the spot. Just put it in your checked bag for the duration of the flight, or go without for a few days if you aren’t bringing a checked bag.