
Please don’t put a play button on the front page of this article if it doesn’t actually play the video.

Last sentence of the article, “You don’t need to cut cards and revert to cash or anything, but do be extra-careful when you swiped”

This right here. I have text and email alerts for any transaction that occurs in any of my accounts. I had a fraudulent charge hit and knew instantly and called the bank up and had it flagged and reversed. When I tell people they think it would get annoying, but honestly when you use the card yourself, you get a quick

Although it’s scary to see, if everyone just regularly checks their statements, or better yet, set up text alerts for any transactions, you can avoid any issues. The nice thing about a credit card is that you can dispute a charge and easily freeze your account and just be sent a new card.

And it’s “heroes”, not “hero’s”.

(There’s no need for the apostrophe in “Nazis” in this case, because there’s no ownership in the context. :P)

Actually, Android’s biggest problem is so-called tech writers who pay lip service to the word fragmentation without even bothering to understand what it really means, thereby giving false representation.

Over the last 3 years, the best-performing asset in my 401(k) portfolio is a loan I took from my 401(k) to pay a tax boo-boo. That’s right - I’m paying myself a better rate of return than my actual investments.

How I make perfect rice:

I completely agree. When their own decisions affect only themselves. Smokers do not fall into this category.

Sooo many people in my office smoke, our building is split and whenever I have to walk between buildings there’s basically a gauntlet of smokers all down the side of the building all day. I’ve had to put multiple huge warning signs on our building’s HVAC fresh air intake because a lot of the idiots stand right

Recent studies have shown that nearly half of all smokers die of complications associated with smoking. Much of the other half also died well below average life expectancy due to complications from other unhealthy lifestyle choices (which, surprise, I guess smokers are just bad decision makers in general when it comes

How is smoking still a thing in 2016 at all? How dumb do you have to be to start smoking since the early-to-mid-90s? The scientific consensus that smoking = dying and illness has been known since well before I was a kid. To consciously choose to do something that is considered to be among the most addictive things on

Goddammit, stop tempting me to rewatch Enterprise!

Your biggest fear should be that it ends up being really good, but no one actually sees it because it will be a CBS All Access exclusive and it gets cancelled.

I'm sorry I skipped the article just to read the comments. What are we talking about and I disagree!!!

Me too! Thanks for reading!

I love this movie.

What cgilles wrote plus it was actually Progressive Democrat(TM) Ed Markey's idea to move the start of DST to March. Plus the later daylight injects about $5 billion into the economy. Better to make DST year-round.

The sun wouldnt be up at 4am..., DST shifts the sunrise to a later hour, so that would be saying the sun rises at 3am on standard time.