
Someone take Will Smith's movie choosing decisions away from him because if he's the one choosing his movie roles then he needs to just stop. Didn't he turn down Django Unchained? I'm not even the biggest Tarantino fan but he'd be far better off actually working with interesting directors instead of the blockbusters

Well he did play Billy Elliot on stage so you're not the only one who clearly saw the resemblance!

That one scene near the end gives me Spidey 2 train scene vibes which is the highest compliment I can give to any Spider-man movie.

The entire diner scene in Moonlight. One of the most achingly romantic scenes I've seen in a long long time.

Saw Manchester by The Sea twice. I think I gained a new appreciation (not sure if this is too spoilery so I'll just put it under the spoiler tag just in case)for how it handles flashbacks. At first I found it jarring but the more I think about it, the more I appreciated how they handled it.. Still not a fan of the

I still think that first film, while definitely has its problems, is a really sweet superhero rom-com. People always go on and on and re: the on-screen chemistry of Gosling and Stone but her and Garfield in the their Spider-Man movies >>> her and Gosling in any of the movies they're in together (granted, I haven't

I saw Manchester By The Sea on Friday and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. It's not my favourite film of the year (that goes to Moonlight) but there are scenes that I can't stop thinking about. The "I can't beat it. I'm sorry." line particularly haunts me.

Whenever I see someone say that Michael Shannon is always over the top and hamming it up in his performances, I'm always like "okay but have you see him in any of Nichols' films??" He is far more subtle than people give him credit for.

Saw Fantastic Beasts, expected to be entertained by it and then ended up… kind of hating it? To my own surprise? There was some surprisingly awful cgi, it seemed to have no idea what tone it wanted to be and featured surprisingly dull lead characters? I thought out of the 4 leads, Queenie and Jacob fared the best

Moonlight deserves all the love it's getting and I'm already dreading the inevitable backlash it's going to get because it's so critically adored. Not that I think people aren't allowed to like the movie, they are absolutely allowed not to, but I already saw one review on letterboxd saying they went into the film

bless emilia clarke, she seems like a genuinely lovely person but she has the acting range of a piece of bread. she and emma watson have the same problem where they seem to think "acting" involves furrowing their eyebrows a lot.

i remember getting slightly excited about these films when rumours were coming out about cuaron potentially directing it then ofc they announced yates and i stopped caring which hey, at least my wallet will be thankful i guess.

That scene with Rebecca and Greg, I'm not gonna lie, it made me tear up a bit. A really fantastic, quiet well-acted scene from the both of them. Greg just really made my heart hurt this entire episode but especially in the latter half. Santino has really been killing it (also, I'm so happy we get to hear a musical

It's still a shame that the films he and Emma Stone were in weren't that great, although I quite like the first one, because they EASILY had the best on-screen romantic chemistry I've seen in any superhero film. I still wish they could have just had them play an older Peter and MJ (because let's be real as much as I

I would have chosen Kyle Chandler (which was apparently one of the reasons for their clashes, Miller wanted him as Cable and Reynolds did not) over Reynolds too tbh. A shame that casting probably isn't gonna happen now because I think it would have been interesting. Unconventional and would never have thought of it

A part of me kind of feels bad because before this mess he came across as dumb but pretty harmless and also a fairly nice guy based on what the swimming community says re: how he treats fans and fellow swimmers and then this happens and it's pretty much what everyone will probably remember him for despite all his

She would be 100% a perfect MJ. With everything I know about her, she's basically MJ in real life. And she and Tom Holland clearly seem to be good friends already and have good chemistry. I'd be psyched if she was MJ, she's one of my favourites and we've yet to get a good live adaptation of her (Emma Stone's Gwen was

And to think if hadn't lied to his mom this probably wouldn't have become such a big deal. Also, way to erase all the positive feelings about the success of the US swim team these olympics with this ridiculousness. Kind of hilarious that Lochte is the 2nd most decorated male swimmer after Phelps but now he's probably

Ezra Miller's gonna steal the show isn't he? I forget how good looking that dude is once he actually cleans up. If the entire movie was just that Barry/Bruce scene it'd already be better than Snyder's last two DC offerings. More of that please.