
Surprised Gendry mentions knowing Ned to Jon who he barely knew but said nothing about meeting and actually being friends with Arya. She once told him that she could be his family!!!! I really enjoyed that relationship so I hope Gendry doesn't bite it before we get to see them reunite. And they keep that delaying that

Whoever does the promo material and the music for this show does a hell of a job! I'm just excited to see these kids again. It's not the greatest thing on earth and I will forever be baffled by the love Barb, of all characters, got but I just like these characters so much and can't wait to see what's in store.

I know people were mixed on Elektra in season 2 and I am the first to admit that she definitely didn't get the best writing but I LOVED HER AND I AM SO HERE FOR HER BEING THE ~VILLAIN~ AND MATT BEING ALL EMO ABOUT IT. I'm loving the banter and the team chemistry so far. As long as they get that right I'm in. The

Well, I like 3/4 of those names. I was worried for a minute cause Hawley already seems to be overextending himself but glad to hear he's just an executive producer.

Same. I liked it fine but it doesn't come close to any of his collabs with Pegg imo. I really want to see them work together again.

I saw Spidey this weekend and predictably loved it. I have a soft spot for all the Peter Parker's we've gotten tbh but Tom Holland was so endearingly wonderful and also managed to break my heart at the same time. The movie really does a wonderful job emphasizing how he is just a kid and he's trying his best and just

It's the latter. There's no instance in which the show even attempts at saying that the Connor we see is somehow a "spirit" or a "ghost".

Ben Platt had the best reactions. Someone cast him in a mockumentary style show ala The Office or Parks and Rec. Also, for those who have seen DEH, how do y'all think the show will do once he leaves? I think about 85% of why that show works is because of his performance. With a lesser actor, I think the weakness of

Saw Wonder Woman! Just to get my criticisms out of the way: the action is TERRIBLE and i remember seeing a tweet from a critic before I saw the film talking about how coherent the action scenes are and either that person saw a completely different version than i did or their expectations for action scenes are terribly

This was easily my favourite episode of the show so far! I find it funny seeing some of the comments re: Laura's character here and some of the interpretations I'm seeing painting her as seemingly one-dimensional after this episode. As if what they saw in that entire ep was just a character who was "bored" with her

I just want to shout-out Ricky Whittle because in a show full of big and very loud (and amazing) performances, I really love what he's doing and he deserves a little bit of love. I liked him in the first episode but the second episode made me really love him. What I really like about him is how he plays off of the

Based on the leads and the premise, I am already SO THERE for Ghosted.

I just marathoned Legion recently so watching this promo so quickly after does not do this show any favours. I mean it looks /fine/, Amy Acker is great and I'm happy she's getting work because she deserves it but it looks very generic. But I know the showrunner is Matt Nix who did Burn Notice and The Good Guys on FOX

I saw Guardians yesterday and I think the last maybe 10 minutes of the movie is the best thing Marvel has ever done in terms of visuals and emotions. I think a lot of the jokes felt too forced and less natural than in the first one and there was a lot of telling and not showing with regards to how characters were

The character interactions look like a lot of fun! Especially Matt and Jessica! Actually Jessica/Anyone is gonna be great since she for sure will spend most of it rolling her eyes at them. I hope Matt, Jess and Luke just spend all of the series treating Danny like their little brother and constantly make fun of him

Already seeing some complaints about it's too teen angsty/romancey which is hilarious to me because that's EXACTLY the type of tone they should be doing for this show. Anyway, this trailer gives me hope and I've been waiting for them to give me live-action Cloak and Dagger for years. They seem to have cast the leads

He was doing that last episode too but I was trying to be optimistic and think it was less "I'm jealous because Betty is with someone and I don't like that" and more "I'm jealous because my two best friends are together and I feel left out" but with this episode it seems to be more of the former than the latter which

I love him but also I still cannot believe that man is fucking 40 years old. Anyway, Carrie and Lowell is one of those albums I love and continue to love even though rarely revisit it. It just makes me too sad. My shuffle once put Romulus (probably an all-time fave Sufjan song) and Fourth of July back to back and I

Man, I don't hate Archie mostly because he means well most of the time but publicly exposing Jughead's secret was really shitty of him and IA it's a very Dawson Leery thing to do and I hope the show avoids this in the future because I WANT to keep liking him.

I'M SO EXCITED. Also, I was expecting to cringe @ Ewan's accent cause I love him but that's not his forte but it's not too obviously terrible so I'm satisfied.