Hang The Haberdasher

I’m against any animal capable of eating my face. Sure, maybe pitbulls aren’t any more likely to bite you than any other dog but then again if I get bitten by a golden retriever I probably won’t end up with a life-threatening injury. I really don’t see walking around with a dog capable of killing a person as being any

My reaction to Hillary Clinton’s stance on cybersecurity: I’d like to see this fleshed out more. It’s a little too vague for my tastes and I have concerns about surveillance and government overreach.

For what? You’ve apparently conflated the state of Virginia and Tim Kaine. I fail to see how that earns you a cookie from me. I’ll give you a gold star for effort.

“In a 2007 NARAL scorecard, Kaine was described as a “mixed-choice” governor and his state got an F grade thanks in part to a number of laws and other policies restricting access to abortions.”

Kaine, a Roman Catholic, is personally against abortion,[141][142] but is “largely inclined to keep the law out of women’s reproductive decisions.”[141] Kaine has said “I’m a strong supporter of Roe v. Wade and women being able to make these decisions. In government, we have enough things to worry about. We don’t need

You literally pulled that out of your ass. That may get a good reaction for you from people who don’t know anything about Tim Kaine, but I do, so unless you can show me some sort of proof for what you claim, that’s not gonna fly. Nice try.

I’m thrilled, honestly. I know I’m supposed to feel devastated and betrayed every time Hillary Clinton blows her nose, but I like Tim Kaine and think he was a good choice.

You’re a moron. Kaine’s not perfect, of course (nobody is), but a definite asset to the ticket. A son of a welder who made it to Harvard Law School and then did missionary work instead of making big bucks and went on to public service. 100% rating by Planned Parenthood should allay any fears due to his being Catholic

Oh man that’s crazy, I had totally forgotten about him. That’s the funny guy with the glasses and the crazy hair, right? He was a hoot!

Does anybody hear a high-pitched whine? No? So weird... I could have sworn...

So Hillary made her choice for VP. The key word there? She made HER choice, and I for one am thrilled. Kaine is a great guy and will make a strong addition to the ticket.

You made me laugh and go “awww” at the same time. That’s a difficult mix of emotions to evoke. Well done. 😂

Sounds kinky!

I agree with all of this, however I don’t understand why Man of Steel gets so much hate. So Superman knocked down some buildings and broke general Zod’s neck. So what? Within the context of the film, what else was he supposed to do? Surrender for ‘the greater good’? Ok, in that case everyone on earth dies. “Well they

I just thought it was amazing that THAT many people got together and thought it would be funny to troll the internet by claiming to see an obviously white and gold image as black and blue. Good one guys, good one. But no, it definitely didn't make me angry; just very, very impressed at the level of coordination

Great piece! For your next one, you should definitely write about me. I'm 12 years old, have been to the moon on more than one occasion, am a cyber-consultant for the NSA, and also serve as master chef at the finest culinary institute in Paris. I do all of this pro bono because I happen to be the Lindbergh baby (and