
Oh, so he’s eight years younger than you. Now I feel sad. WTF?

As a member of society, I speak on our behalf.

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.


I can’t wait to see the tattoo he gets for this one.

Honestly, just the fact that most of them probably actually picture Brink trucks rather than 1s and 0s shows they’re clueless.

Right? Disregard whatever perceived ignorance may have been the root of it (and I really doubt that he was THAT ignorant), but if he is acquiring, compiling and making legitimate data available for public consumption, that has to be a good thing. The sheer volume and nigh-on indecipherability of much of this

Yeah, I’m actually very confused by the asshole tone of this article.

Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.

BUT! It involves a rich guy! So Deadspin cannot advocate on his behalf. Rich and successful = evil around here!

Nintendo must love losing money to scalpers.


Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about Sony... been looking for a reason to turn my PS4 on. It has been collecting dust for months now!

Your move, Sony...

YES, YES, YES. I hope this goes over insanely well, because it will force Sony and Nintendo to adopt it too. But what I’m waiting for is the ability to trade in digital titles for store cash, like Microsoft talked about as a feature way back when, then when the ‘always online’ feature went over poorly, they never

I don’t think the clown performing for one lonely adult is an idea that is impossible to reach by 2 separate people. Clowns are a common theme lately... Also, comedians think about this exact thing all of the time. Having to entertain an audience that is not for you, in a shit/creepy setting is something many comics

BF1 had a fantastic campaign

To quote, well, everyone at Giant Bomb:

I bought the ultimate edition for $20 and I had a great time with it. I think the lack of content in the base game was what harmed it the most.