are just going to ignore all the “stupid Bronx uptown thot bitch” remarks?
are just going to ignore all the “stupid Bronx uptown thot bitch” remarks?
You watched the video and you’re going to defend her?
new phone who dis?
Even before that, at the beginning of PS3, PSN was a complete joke compared to Xbox Live. Live was light years ahead of PSN in terms of usability, reliability and features offered.
This. PS plus is the best example of competition. MS dominated last gen in North America and we got ps plus, which in turn forced MS to off free games and introduce BC with Xbox one
I think you underestimate the number of gamers who really just play 3rd party titles and will buy whatever those look best on. Keep in mind...early on in the generation, it was kind of reversed with respect to exclusives, but the PS4 still sold more units pretty handily...there were a few reasons for that, but simply…
Wait wait wait... a statement with actual sense is in the comments. That’s not part of the fanboy crowd. I would like to applaud this.
Ah. Well that’s interesting.
My reasons for doing it is because my roommate does it. Known her 10 years. She’s also trans.
And of course people are fucking rabid that Bioware would try to make an effort be respectful to marginalized communities
I think everything is heading in the direction of content creators having to charge for their stuff. I mean you could also make the argument that putting all your eggs in the YouTube career basket is a huge gamble. I certainly wouldn’t have gone into YouTube thinking “right, so if I grow my channel I’ll make a decent…
I DO think it’s hilarious that they worked a lore reason for the gear reset into the reveal trailer.
Nah, I actually think this is what most players want. Current Destiny is a mess in terms of balancing, economy, leveling, and pretty much everything involving gear.
Touche’ destiny, I chuckled and considered buying your treadmill again.
What, you want the game to perfectly divide up the amounts of partners available for every character type?
She’s next playthrough for me. I saw Peebee do that little one foot stumble im the first vault and decided that the Asari Raccoon Archaeologist was first.
Even as a heteroromantic guy I thought it was obvious why people wanted to romance him.
Nothing personal against you, but I think a lot of how Bioware games are treated is based heavily on a bias of expecting more from Bioware in a variety of regards, than what is expected from other developers. It seems like Guerilla Games is getting a freepass for bad facial animation because no one expected them to…
It’s the Yankee way. Nobody loved trim more than Jeter.