
Have you actually read anything on the Kane trial? He was clearly falsely accused. He had the fucking DA going after him and they found nothing on him, plus the whole falsifying evidence thing... Chapman wasn’t even on the Cubs when he pulled that shit. Sounds like you were never that involved in Chicago sports in

6 female, 2 male

In hindsight it should have been a dead giveaway he didn’t try to do anything since his knees weren’t injured

Ah, the classic humblebrag, with added condescension for flavor! Yum!

LA Noire is no Red Dead or GTA V

Statistically speaking you might as well be the only one. RDR is greatness that has much potential for further greatness.

GTA V and RDR are two of the greatest games ever made, and LA Noire was a huge disappointment, so I’m gonna have to disagree.

At one point, both Red Dead and GTA were new. When a company strikes gold, it’s smart for them to continue refining that gold until it is without blemish. That’s usually why companies like RockStar stick to what works, because both GTA (Especially GTA) and Red Dead are guaranteed sellers.


Witcher 3 has set such a high bar at this point, really would love for the next Red Dead to be even better.

My buddy just made the image black/white and it shows the same patterns as what’s been used in red dead! Huzzah!

Schilling is the same guy who went absolutely batshit insane when his daughter was the subject of social media trolls a little while ago. Yet he has no problem with the Trumpster drooling over young girls. Why, it’s almost like Curt’s a giant goddamn hypocrite!

Schilling looks like the truck driver at the counter in some diner in the middle of nowhere ready to tell you how the world REALLY works, which they aren’t gonna teach you in some fancy college.

Sure, the alternate version is Deadspin.com/Foodspin-cum-ass-titty-fuck-jizzbomb-blackcock

That should work, right?

Right? Which is what makes it so fucked up.

There are just some subjects Brady won’t touch: Trump, Deflategate, the word “I” when followed by “am your real dad, John Moynahan.”

Socialism: Potentially appealing to half the country if the only other option is racist, sexist, and quasi-fascist. Catch the fever!

Needs to be said over and over. Start running for/voting for third party candidates for those state reps, city councilpeople, state treasurer, etc. all of those “non-glamorous” offices. A third party candidate running for local office should be as common as Dems and Republicans. Get people use to the idea of seeing

If Sanders had won the primary (and I won’t rehash whether or not the primaries were fairly contested), there is zero doubt he would have a 15-point lead right now and win over 400 electoral votes. I would have donated every spare penny I had to him. Alas.

“The game is bigger than you. Behave,”