Can someone buy me a digital copy of Destiny on either console? I haven’t yet played it all these years later and I’m broke. Bills
Can someone buy me a digital copy of Destiny on either console? I haven’t yet played it all these years later and I’m broke. Bills
Between ReCore, Rise of Iron, and Forza next week this is the perfect month for GwG to be bad.
I think this is probably the worst lineup of the whole year. Oh well, better luck next month, I hope
Of course, if you get the ones for the 360, they’ll still be playable even if you cancel XBox Live.
Ahhhh, it’s so nice to have a fresh Destiny article practically every hour on Kotaku again. Loving it :)
Why do you hate the troops?
Look at the zero people shedding tears for your sad story.
I would assume that somebody who has lived as long as you would know what to expect, especially since it has been explicitly stated what the content would be.
Taken king was, what, 8 missions?
I think we all know what we’re getting into by now.
Can you imagine the games that could be made or made to be better if Sony stopped with their “experiments”? Move and VR recently come to mind. Maybe some interesting games that are not quite AAA titles could get made again. VR is cool but it will not become widespread enough in time to make companies enough money to…
Except this game is $40 brand new on XB1 ($20 if you split the Play Anywhere with a friend) and NMS is $60 brand new on PS4. No returns unless you happened to find a used copy @ Gamestop... At least on Steam most folks returned it!
Well, I’m enjoying it.
Nonsense. This game was not hyped nor marketed to death as some amazing, one of a kind AAA title. It is priced at $40, NMS, for starters is $60.
I’m more angry about the silence afterwards than I am about some of the missing features.
What craze? It came and failed. And it’s already been stated that the VR sequence in RE7 is a little section that doesn’t matter. They’re not making entire 3rd party AAA games for VR because it’s a tiny niche market.
Sounds like the major problem Bloodborne had at launch, except you died regularly to make it worse. It did eventually get fixed though, so hopefully ReCore’s team can manage to do the same.
Everyone’s missing the forest for the trees, this is bigger picture. Sony’s basically saying “no mods unless it’s our terms” while MS is saying “eh, have at it”... this isn’t FO4 and Skyrim we’re talking about, this is console mod future. I don’t understand how no one is picking up on this fact.
Everything about Sony in the past month reminds me of MS at X1 launch. Thats why we need a real third console choice. I am tired of switching ecosystems to play the god damn games I want, the way I want. Someone needs to keep them in check!
I’ll ask the questions here.
You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.
Or for that same $299 you can get an Xbox One S, which offers you 4k video(Via 4k BluRay) and 4k gaming (when applicable). That is if you have a 4k TV. If you don’t, then enjoy the similarly smaller(and better looking) Xbox One S, with a damn good Bluetooth controller and a better online service in Xbox Live.