
No it just uprenders to 4K I guess. Big deal.

Uh oh...so no Scorpio competitor?

Why would I write that this is the greatest action adventure game of the generation and you take that to mean that a website that hired me for the weekend hates a video game?

I can’t relate to “what if this happened to me?” I can only relate via my relationship with women. I have never been sexually or physically victimized and have little chance of it ever happening to me. So I’m trying to sympathize as best I can.

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life


CTE is real, folks.

Wait what? Playstation exclusive games are now playable on PC? This is huge news.

Between this and Slime Rancher dropping on Xbox preview, I have it made until Recore is out.

I feel bad for his teammates, Bryson, Dillon, and Brody. I mean, they seem so insignificant in these stories. So much so that I just made up all three of those names and you didn’t even notice.

Ah, but thanks to the U.S. fucking up again, they will!

Nice work, Guardian! Your efforts have been noted.

That is my sausage thumb. I may have gotten an early copy.

Hopefully in the Fall, honestly it’s when they are ready.

PS. Josh and I are die hard PSO fans.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that CDProjektRed are the second best game development studio in the world, with the global first prize belonging firmly to Rockstar.

I remember CDProjekt coming out and explaining why their trailers looked different to the finished game. But then CDProjekt should be put on a pedestal as a testament to how games should be done.

This looks like Guillermo Del Toro’s version of ‘Unravel’

You can read whatever you like, more power to ya

I hope this has been mentioned around here before, and I don’t expect anyone cares, but historically “man” was a gender-neutral term (back in the middle ages the prefixes wer- and wif- specified “male man” or “female man”). This has a legacy in our modern language in the same sort of way that words that came to us

Nice piece, Bob. It brought back bittersweet memories of my decades long feud and eventual reconciliation with Shakira, after I once described her work as "almost Charo-ish."