
This my favourite mash-up.

This is one of the things that bugs me the most about her. She can play at being queen of trailer park all she wants, but she comes from wealth and you can tell.

It's not a race issue, it's a class issue.

That is one of the laziest racist insults I've ever heard.

Twitter is proof that most people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions beyond, "when should I not crap myself today?"

"Ching chong"?! Christ on a cracker.

You would be correct. :) I am very blessed to love my job.

How dare you ruin this picture for me?! How. Dare. You.

You are missing the point. Jezebel does this so all the benevolent "Jezzies" can respond with remarks indicating how anti-racist they are. Instead of a dog whistle, it is a signal for all the wounded fragile "I'm a good person" white girls to collectively pat themselves on the back.

Needs more Blerta.

Wow. So dishevelment. Many ennui.

So bored. Very sit. Much Lena. Many snores.

You understand what it is like for you as a teenager when you were a teenager, you could even extend that to say that you also understood the teenagers around you. But does that mean you understand teenagers? No, the same way you don't understand completely people your own age because people are different, you

You put "ass" in the name of your pet on a website aimed for kids, and you're surprised when you're banned. Probably should have realized something was wrong when he was deleted the first time. And this is only a one day suspension.