
I normally am unwilling to wish death on anyone. But I will join you in a red dress (or maybe a red hat and a purple dress) when the world is rid of Trump. I’m not going to pretend that even his kids will miss him.

You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!

This makes me look forward to Drumpf’s passing. I will wear a red dress and go dancing on his grave.

I trust a post-Taco Bell fart more than I trust Trump.

when she was found to be hooking up with costar Rupert Sanders on the set of Snow White and the Huntsman

Does anyone else take a periodic break from the news? I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but each one of these stories (ranging from him being an insensitive moron to committing absolute atrocities) makes my brain hurt more and more. How did this ever happen? How did 63 million people vote for this 70 year old

It’s a different scenario but I experienced something similar. I was on a night out in London, and one of those moronic ‘you tuber’ people was filming me and my friends. My friends were playing up to the camera, but I explicitly told the man that he was not permitted to film me or steal my image. He then proceeded to

Don’t use someone’s image if they request that you don’t. Period.

I don’t think sexual intimidation really works in this context. Seems like it was a situation where he assumed she would be fine with the video because of the party atmosphere and then tried to persuade her when she wasn’t in the right state of mind. If it was sexual intimidation I would assume Trey would have led her

He’s going to fire Omarosa? Cause we know there isn’t room on Team Trump for two black women. Maybe he’ll just refer to them interchangeably and they can share a desk and a paycheck. They could be his Rosencrantz and Gilderstern

If they didn’t get him right away, they’re not gonna. Seen like 3 vids already and none of his face. If he was grabbed up right after it’d be in the news.

I don’t condone violence, even against Dick Spencer, but I’m also kind of impressed by the puncher’s approach. He/she ran in, leapt, and hit Dick Spencer square in the head. And did he/she escape after someone grabbed the sweatshirt? Did the puncher keep running into the sunset, punching white supremacists until time

Punching Nazis shouldn’t be illegal. It’s a goddamn American pastime, ffs.

Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

Melania won’t be joining him in the White House

Let’s take some bets:

I’ve told everyone she was going to divorce his monkey ass right after he lost. And then he didn’t.

His idol, Vladimir Putin got divorced from Lyudmila a couple of years ago, (while in office). Surely the Trumps will keep up with the Putins.