
I really would not be down with that thing staring down at me during sex. Or over breakfast. Or at the beach. Or literally ever.

What the F is the possessed baby tattoo on his shoulder?

I mean, he looks good, but I feel like for 195k you should be Zac Efron jacked.

Oh I know a lot of those too but Kaley seems like she’s a serial monogamist in that she can’t ever be single, but also one of those people who wants every moment of every relationship to be some epic love story full of moments out of a rom-com but she can’t handle the day to day regular relationship stuff. Basically,

For historical record, I take pictures of myself with working pay phones when I find them. Mostly extinct but I have found a few, never a phone booth.

“Beyonce uses the Black Panthers like Gwen Stefanie uses Harajuku girls.”

Well Doctor Luke and Doctor Dre are a happily married gay couple who live with their Dogg, lovingly called Snoop who thinks it’s a lion. When they’re not performing medical procedures, they like to go down to the palace to have tea with Queen Latifah. All 4 of them enjoy eating eminems, peanut is the best.

Not reverse.

And following Beyonce’s most recent success, JLo will release her next album, “Orange Juice.”

Yes. But where does the comparison come from? LN doesn’t seem to have gone through a major transformation. I think she’s been chic and cutting edge since her first appearance?

They also very much wanted to work in a reference to a Vogue photo shoot. “What could have inspired her? Oh, that’s right, us!”

ditto nordicpine. Using "It's only a few years" is like saying "oh that un-anethestatized root canal will only be a few hours". Doesn't make it any better and babyhood - preschooler age is exhausting and often unrewarding.

I know a few happy parents, but I generally see unhappy parents. I've known since I was ten that I didn't want kids and wasn't going to have them. I think to myself, how can these people be so programmed by society that they can't hear their own feelings of not wanting to do this?

15 years? That sounds like a prison sentence.

OMG, I'm wondering this too!!!! I have a friend that just had a baby and now keeps saying "When you have yours.." every time I see her. I have a feeling she's trying to validate her choice by making me jump on the baby wagon.

I'm really sorry to hear that — I hope your sister can get support soon.

In my old lady fantasy it's grad students who visit me at the home, and we have sex (not always but sometimes) because somehow I become totally note worthy. Now, chances of that happening are well, umm not likely, but it's fantasy, so I can be a dragon too!

I'm glad you brought this up because in between telling me how miserable they are, some of them will be like but you should totally have some. JOIN US. BE MISERABLE WITH US so I don't have to feel so shitty about my life decisions!

I think people forget how temporary it all really is because they look at it as a solid 18 year block of time, which it isn't. In reality, it's a only a few years of diapers, snot and tantrums. Once about 6 or 7 hits, it's pretty smooth sailing. Even the dreaded "teen years" aren't as hard as the toddler years, mostly

The one about the parent hating their son could have been written by my father. He was so hell-bent on not having a girl, he made my mother have an abortion. Twice. When she found out she was having me, she hid my gender until the day I was born hoping he'd come around. He didn't.