Unacceptably Dry Scones

Lambo door kit

I think it’d be as simple as a Mustang SVO turbo 2.3 with a 5-speed. 205hp ought to be enough.

If I were rich I’d buy this, but only ironically. It would have one purpose: to drive my daughter to school in an effort to teach her humility.

I approve of your sub headline spelling.

I don’t care about Subarus, and will likely never own one, but a great, enjoyable article.


An iPad with a good case and a youtube video of how to do the repair.

I always thought under the hood was weird, too. Right by all that heat. Bonus points to the DS for having it be (apparently) part of the crash structure.

Sad trombone ND.

Yep, never honking or giving anyone the finger ever again.

“Mandate Freedom”?

If you had to pick one of these to bone in, there’s much better options on the list.

Or tax cuts for corporations and the extremely wealthy.

I had a 1968 Ford Mustang in high school that had rad hood vent mounted tell tales.

Hell yeah. With a 5-speed. Some cool wheels and a paint job. Some Cherokee seats. Done.

11,000rpm V12?! Damn, son!

I can dig it. I could make something cool out of this.

Road Trip through Siberia in the dead-ass of winter in a shitty diesel Chrysler product. Now THERE is a story.

Four door sedans. Sorry, not sorry.

That a very, um, unsophisticated view of US foreign policy. Feels like 2004 all over again.