These Chinese drop-ship bullshit companies are ruining Amazon. I don’t even shop there anymore.
These Chinese drop-ship bullshit companies are ruining Amazon. I don’t even shop there anymore.
My mom won’t eat peas or beans. Hasn’t since she was a child. My 6-year old daughter was asking her about it, and said “Really? No beans” And my mom said Nope. And my daughter, said, “Wellllll, what about COFFEE beans?!?” Busted!
I was stepping onto a subway car in NYC on August 14th, 2003, the moment of the multi-day blackout. If it were 2 minutes later, I’d have been crawling though a subway tunnel. Yikes.
ND, but homeboy can take a good photo. I was almost sold on that alone!
I saw a wind turbine blade on a trailer on I-10 in west Texas. It was incredibly long and the trailer alone must’ve had 20 wheels.
These vans are so weird to me. They are either huge and comfortable, like a school bus or Class B camper, but then they aren’t capable offroad and you end up in Walmart parking lots or campgrounds.
Jesus Christ man, point taken, but can you dial back the misogyny a bit?
A 2000's FWD V8 Impala is also a car that I don’t care about. This is objectively worse in every possible metric. And it’s not even subjectively better. It’s an oddball car, I guess, but not in a good or interesting way.
I like that the ad for the VY Jetta ute has a Carfax showing a value of $4,440. Hacking it up somehow doubled the price? What?
If you guys want a methodical, boring review of a boring car, go read Consumer Reports or something.
I bought an e46 a few years ago, and someone had swapped the real burl wood interior trim for that shitty silver-painted plastic. Ugh. A quick trip to pick-n-pull got me the wood pieces for $30.
I had a crappy BMW e34. I eventually got a better car and sold it. But the guy had driven it home, out of state, before I realized I had left a ventriloquist dummy I bought at a yard sale in the trunk.
How about Tesla’s $16,000 battery replacement for some stupid hose fitting in the article from yesterday?
The air filter on the Chevette was sealed into the metal housing. You couldn’t just turn a wing nut and remove the lid like every other carb’d car ever. You had to replace the entire thing, metal housing and all.
The only time I’ve had ABS kick in was when I was learning how to drive (turning and stopping at the same time is bad) and I’ve never set off an airbag, so really I question the necessity of including such things in every car with no option to decline.
The Washington Post had a Post Malone article with some of the most savage burns I’ve ever read:
Agree. The REX in the BMW i3 was some shitty Kymco scooter motor.
I can’t decide whether I like this deposition more or Lil Wayne’s.
I can see the appeal. You could tow one of these with a minivan or larger car on a small flatbed to the trail head. I don’t want to daily an offroad truck. These things are small and could get places an SUV or pickup truck can’t.
I hate this particular yellow paint and I hate the body kit. I do think the base car is solid, but by the time you factor in some stock bumpers and side skirts, plus paint, you’d be better off just buying a stock one. If you like the yellow, maybe you could find yellow body parts and make out okay.