Unacceptably Dry Scones

I did an extremely drunk karaoke rendition of Love Shack at a bar in downtown San Diego. Included a literal mic drop at the end. And it was in from of my boss, so that was awesome.

I have mine, pretty much. I was born in 1980 and have a 1982 Mercedes w123 wagon.

Besides the awful steering wheel, I just LOVE this thing.

This review is better and more informative than the Jalopnik review!

The other day I was in bumper to bumper traffic and this teenager on a dirtbike lanesplit at about 40mph.

Playing devils advocate here:

Gummy Cola Bottles!

I prefer the cheddar and cracker, but right on. They are gross except behind the wheel of a car on the interstate.

I saw it on Regular Car Reviews, but some 1990s Mazda 626 has OSCILLATING A/C VENTS!! What an amazing, bizarre detail.

Serious question: Can you drive around in a DeLorean and not look like a complete and utter tool? I love the design and want to own one, but I’m wary of the vibe I’d likely give off.

I’m old enough to rememer “Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity” from IHOP.

The Callaway Sledgehammer Corvette had a 255mph top speed(!), and there are stories that the speedometer starting counting back down at 254mph.

Can we stop a second and note what a clever name Janus is for that particular car? Janus was a Roman god with 2 faces, one facing forward and one facing rearward. He was the god of transitions.

Now I want an SVO all over again.

Does this mean easy in a DIY sense or easy in a “take it to a mechanic” sense?

I once overinflated a bicycle tire to the point of a blowout and it was incredibly loud. I can only imagine how loud this was.

If I’m going to go through the trouble of owning an Alfa Romeo, it’d better be a lot better looking than this one. I’d want a Spider at least, not some boxy sedan.

Subaru Justy. I’m Justin, so close enough.

I sold a stanced, beat to shit 1995 BMW e34. I bought it for $2000 and sold for $1000. It sat around for like 5 or 6 months.

There is some AWD Mercedes that has the front axle travel through an elongated portion of the coil spring. It’s the weirdest front suspension I’ve ever seen.