Also, since this canal doesn’t seem that wide, maybe just winch from the shore.
Also, since this canal doesn’t seem that wide, maybe just winch from the shore.
That’s the downside. The upside is that it is so understressed that it’ll run forever.
I lived in a sketchy part of town with 3 female roommates. One afternoon, I was outside working on my car, and one of the roommates said “There is some homeless dude sleeping on the couch. Help!” So I went inside, grabbed my handgun, and went to check him out. Sure as shit, he’s just laying there on the couch. I…
I saw an electric blue one getting on the interstate yesterday after work. It looked amazing for sure, but he was driving it like a geezer. Which he probably was.
I knew the Corvair one because it has that weird “fan belt turning 90 degrees thing”.
Was it white paint? A coworker has a 2015ish Hyundai and the white paint is coming off in sheets. He says Hyundai (either the dealer or the parent company, not sure) is claiming “it doesn’t affect the value of the vehicle” and is refusing to fix it.
You won’t look at the slideshow (which isn’t even all that bad), but you have time to come post a comment. Sweet.
2001 BMW e46 sedan:
I have a Mercedes W123 wagon. I look at them on Instagram sometimes, and I found this dude building an “overlander” W123 wagon, with a slightly raised suspension, roof tent, jerry cans, kitchen, all that stuff. As I’m reading through his build thread, I’m thinking, “What a fucking poser. Jesus Christ.”
Zeekr? I hope they have no intentions of coming to the US with that name.
I don’t know why, but I refuse to eat a PB+J. I’ve eaten some questionable things over the years, and I’m an extremely adventurous eater. But a big NOPE to PB+J.
Definitely not clicking on the videos! Don’t want to give this dipshit even one more view.
The Model 3 looks like that scene from The Matrix where Agent Smith makes Neo’s mouth disappear.
$10,000 will go SO MUCH FARTHER in the pre-owned market. Hell, get a CPO car with a warranty.
You know what city has a bunch of old, weird cars driving around? Las Vegas. Not the strip, but out in the city itself. I was out there not so long ago and saw a Chevette, a Dodge Shadow, a Citation, and an Acura Vigor all in one day. I should have made a journal of them.
I think it’s weird that he built it all from that shitty brush guard. I’d replace the front bumper and tie it all into the frame.
Um.. it was fine?
I think they will always look like white trash cars, even fixed up and restomodded.
Sort of related. I used to own a 2013 Nissan Leaf. I got one of those extended warranty calls, and I thought, hmm, this should be interesting. I take the call, listen to his spiel, then he begins to tell me what is covered, what a great deal it is.
For some shitty Cherokee that will be an off-road only truck, sure...