
How does someone “doesn’t seem Asian” in a comment? Seems to me like you have a preconceived notion of “Asian”, and that notion is assuming a lot. To answer your question, I am an American who was born in Korea. The American side of me would eat Uncle Ben’s instant rice with butter. The Asian side of me would call

Starting the doubt the “we Asians” part after you included butter in your instructions. Maybe “we Americans who may or may not have ancestral roots in Asia”?

IP has made zero inroads here in East Asian near as I can tell, and I don’t think that would be the case if it were fabulous at making rice. An imported gadget for rice? If it were the miracle people portray, the fancy folks of Seoul would be stocking up on them so fast your head would spin, but nobody here is

Worst “Buy for Quality” decision is easy: My wife.

It’s nice to have the option of not having the television against a wall, especially with an open floor plan.

I for one don't fit in those categories but love living in NY. I did the suburb thing and think it's like death. Get home, pitch blackness all around. Can't make a spur of the moment decision to go grab a drink or food without having to plan a car trip. There is nothing that can beat the convinience of city living.

I have no interest in the Apple watch, and yes, the cliched Apple marketing machine is annoying... but damn, dude. I see you posting some worn-out cliche like this on damn-near every Apple-related post on this site.

Maybe they should keep the boxes horizontal...

It comes with an instructional booklet that details appropriate times to spank your children and teach them how to take care of their own property.

Step 1) chop off fingers