
he has a "very good brain' and
"know[s] words…ha[s] the best words".

I hear that Chachi plays a mean accordian.

enablers of fascism deserve to be booed, need to be opposed

trump launched his campaign by, among other things, retweeting completely fabricated race-based homicide stats from a neo-nazi website

worth considering:

there is a solid argument to be made that trumpism is nascent fascism:

why not? one citizen's opinion…

given the unprecedented ugliness and nastiness trump brought to this election, you're not seriously suggesting that booing a politican is so uncivil that it "has to stop".

boos? and public appeals to high profile polticians?

joking about assassinating political rivals and judicial appointments, refusing to commit to accepting the results of an election….

geez, is it possible to be a fascist and a cry-baby at the same time?

trump, after running a campaign grounded in crude personal insult and gross slander — to say nothing of racism, sexism, islamophobia — is REALLY accusing people of being… "rude"?