Is nothing sacred anymore?
LH has to publish a near constant politically correct lunacy about... everything??
Is nothing sacred anymore?
LH has to publish a near constant politically correct lunacy about... everything??
Super Bowl Sunday is the one day I can think.... Hooray, I don't have trip hear about football again for a while.
Question for speakers of more heavily gendered languages where there is no neuter pronoun and verbs are also conjugated for gender, with no neuter form - do they have to make up new verb forms in addition to new pronouns?
Narrowly missing the top 10, at number 11:
I am not buying PBR just to put it in cheese spread.
Absolutely. For the development/test batch, I actually bought a tallboy so I didn’t have to commit to a whole sixer! I do think you could get away with a sturdier pale anything, since the cheese and ranch combination are already pretty flavorful, so you have room to really boost that beer flavor.
this sounds delicious, but I am not buying PBR just to put it in cheese spread. Would any sort of pale lager work?
Again, check the facts, you’re offering nothing but ignorance, not intellect without any authoritative evidence that proves your weak case against the EV (big hint, it’s nonsense)
A couple summers ago I sous vide a brisket in my apartment for three days before taking it, still in the bag, to my folks place so we could smoke it on the webber kettle for a couple hours. It was the best thing I’ve ever made.
I wouldn’t call it boldness. Simple psychology.
My recipe is half a gram of lead at around 900-1,000fps, in addition to an indoor/outdoor cat (mostly as a deterrent). I have zero tolerance for tree rats, but will respect them if they stay away from the house. We have a mutual, tense agreement. I provide them chestnuts and acorns from my trees, they stay out of my…
Thank you, from another white person annoyed with people talking about their privileges.
Thug stereotype/trashy rap music/gangsta lifestyle is the ultimate in “cool”
It’s funny, the other articles on Lifehacker concerning privilege (and the other members of its larger related media group) have this breakdown in the comments of a large percentage of people basically saying ‘yeah, I have that privilege, I wish people of color did too,’ a slightly smaller group doing some version of…
some of whom are sketchy
This, 100000x this. Very well-put.
I live and Cleveland and my mom and sister live in Indianapolis. In my Audi RS4 I can get there in four and a half hours on one tank of gas. If I had an electric car it would take more than a day
They don’t pay any of the taxes ICE cars pay, so you are using roads and infrastructure for free.