Some of that was just an idea to see if it could solve the problem...
Some of that was just an idea to see if it could solve the problem...
That’s good, but if we do it right, the power company won’t have to ramp up the production because electric cars can charge from the panels and pull from the Powerwall at night.
Small problem, Root’s math dissertation is wrong...
What rock do you live under, because there’s a small [Citation needed]
And if it has many sharp teeth... back away slowly and do not show any fear.
I reported tickaticka and formally got him banned because he pushed things too far. The Lifehacker team took it from there. How they handle the harassment and such egregious levels of offense hurled in my general direction for no explainable or acceptable reason is their prerogative.
Example as in a general case of things that have happened.
Conspiracy theories grab people with sensationalized content....
Examples grasshopper, examples...
Conspiracy theories can spawn from anywhere, just look at how people in the UK are burning down cellphone towers due to the lies of 5G.
Easiest way to tell, Facebook is not an authoritative news source and never will.
I can’t decide whether the fact you think any of these sources count as “empirical evidence” is hilarious or pathetic. I guess I’ll settle on both.
If you’re in an electric car, a complete braking failure will be an interesting experience because you won’t really know until about 15mph, thanks to how powerful regen braking is.
That’s awesome! At least they’re doing .Next online, so it’s not a total loss... hopefully ‘21 will be better :)
By insulting me?
I thought it was normal/common to French-press cold brew... been doing that for years with direction from a friend from Europe.
You’re welcome! :)
Care to expound on the profound statement?
*Waves hi in IPv6*
Congrats on getting married :)
3 years for me, we enjoy traveling the most, but can’t because corona cancelled everything.
Note that no one has survived projecting onto me, so it’s best to stop now before it’s too late....