
Haha! Fair enough, slowly and slowly I archive LongRead articles into bookmarks for when I go on trips.

20 browser windows and all in Chrome

You want distracted?

My car doesn’t have an engine ;)

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An important guide on how to do things the Italian way which requires a good pinch grip ;) 

One thing to keep in mind is that your house produces more carbon than most EV’s. I did not hear Greta once complain about having heat/air and how much carbon climate control produces...

You can buy refurbished electric cars, try the 4-5 year old mark for some of the better ones. Plus, the performance will be the same as day 1 as it will by year 10.

My thing with everyone getting hacked, is that they use the Virtual Card on file, not the physical one.

Agreed, I’m going to keep flying and traveling for work or vacation as that is much more fun than sitting around in the house all day.

Ubiquiti has a wired only router and you can get a small AP as well to connect any wireless devices. 

This thing is good to know, but it’s not exactly accurate down to the state level.

I don’t need to take time to study the references shared. I’ve seen it all before, since all you do is repeat the same old, tired, debunked arguments over and over and over and over again.

I am somewhat confused by these headlines flying around by all of my liberal friends...

Not quite as correlated

Thank you for this, I have disabled off-Facebook activity 

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lol. You’re gonna lecture me about response time when it literally takes you weeks to reply? I mean I’m not surprised since the next original thought you expressed in this conversation would be your first, I have no doubt you’ve had several conversations with religious people so you can try and dunk on me. You’re just

Since you asked so nicely, here are some references from the Old Testament that are fitting for the discussion about God.

I like to have a bit of spare cash when going across borders just in case. Plus, most foreign currency looks 10 times cooler than American cash, so it would be convenient at the bank to offer an exchange as I collect various coins from around the world.

Always have a local credit union for cash and paycheck deposits, plus if you need to make the odd cashier’s check...

I plan to keep my electric cars for 15 years... unless one of my friends wants to buy watt-powered awesomeness first.