First they came for the ACLU, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a member of the ACLU.
First they came for the ACLU, and I did not speak out because I wasn't a member of the ACLU.
Don't forget that I could give you all the tells in the world, but all I'm going to do is wind up and kick that motherfucker as hard as I can. I'll be damned if I could point within five feet where it's actually going.
This is very true. I was a poker pro years ago and I would always get into trouble against rank amateurs because I'd be making the play that worked perfectly against what I'd expect a marginal player to do there, only they didn't make the same plays marginal players did. They made plays seemingly at random and with…
Is there any real, tangible way female football fans can show Roger Goodell how grossly offensive his handling of…
As the Miata is the most raced car in the world, what design considerations were made in support of the racebility of the car?
GRRRRR they bothered to put a camera on a jib arm but they can't show the front of the car? seriously. show the front of the car already.
I'm a grown man, eating my dinner in front of a computer, waiting for a new miata reveal - I have a problem
It's the thought process that fascinates me. Here I am, racing, three abreast down a straight. Should I defend my line? Should I brake late for the next corner? Maybe I should back up a bit and get a tow off this guy. NO, I KNOW WHAT I'LL DO!!! I'll close this guy's wing mirror!
When I was working on my Poli Sci undergrad I really wanted to become a lobbyist, I think I may have finally found the cause I can really get behind.
"Hello Mr. Congressman, I'm Chris_K_F. I represent the Society for Hooning Imports and Flogging Tires, also known as SHIFT..."
Unfortunately, the automaker lobby has a lot more cash and influence than the Skyline hoon lobby.
Just have this in the X-Games and make this a Formula Drift event and hnnnggg!
Hmm... Hunter Mill Rd in Northern Virginia to Radar Love... just for old time's sake.