
Mound Rd North of 696, can’t speak for south for 696 since I haven’t been on it. You know, just circle all of SE MI as needing road work.

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

I wish I had this feature for subtlety telling my wife that she doesn’t fit into that dress anymore.

This deserves more stars. When people stop in the middle of the road to let jay walker by, things get nasty and rear ending can happen, Same for all other courtesy.

Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.

My wife took me to Texas de Brazil for my birthday one year and expected sex afterwards. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, LADY.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Living in Michigan is a problem NOBODY needs.

that’s the way I remember it, one long string of words, like Finnegan’s Wake, all scrunched together. it’s art-lit, a word picture, multi-media and new-age.

[What I say to myself in the mirror, three times, each morning.]

If I know an official’s name in any sport, that official is doing something wrong. Except Ed Hochuli. He’s the man.

Actually it is more like - it is ok to let your product kill people as long as the profits outweigh the lawsuits.

BRB buying electric bike

Now that I am deaf, will Jalopnik pay for my hearing aid ?

blues fan, huh?

Suzuki SV650

Absolute worst case, drill it out and install a helicoil.

Wow—I never expected to see this on Drunkspin because of the limited release and availability. This stuff is pretty damn good. My girlfriend is not a beer drinker; she brought some back from her sister’s house and we loved it—and then couldn’t get it for three months. Binny’s in Champaign sold out in two hours. The

A few of the 10% variety will knock you on your ass rather quickly. I submit myself from this past Saturday night as evidence.

These were awesome when they were released. The color scheme hasn’t aged well (or the pastel berretas) though.