
I mean, you might not be racist, but being Taiwanese sort of lends you to even more potential bias.

Honestly, it’s well known that many officials from foreign lands have little to no respect for Obama.

Best confetti ever!

...but because she wasn’t shot by a police officer, there won’t be a single protest. Black Lives Matter? Not in Chicago.

But Kaepernick’s narrative is wrong. It’s just a bunch of BLM type of bullshit.

Has there ever been a pre-emptive author comment on his own article that has actually been worth reading? Do everyone a favor and go work for Gawker.

This is all white people’s fault. Fucking racist ass white people turned chicongo into a violent hellhole.

Eh I’m a conservative and I just kind of think he’s an overall idiot. Or maybe a bit of a fame whore.

Right after you almost wrote a good article (close, but you would need Government Assistance for that), you go full liberal shill and prove yourself to be the fool we know you are. Stay trashy.