HandEgg lost his burner key

That article is a whole lotta ‘meh’ tbh

Triple-G is the best thing on the Food Network. I will not be taking questions.

Well, donor lists are routinely pored over by journalists, and Guy’s name has not been connected to any troublesome politicians. So... we’re good.

This is my thought as well.  I will enjoy my filet mignon cooked medium rare with a starch side, thank you very much.  I’m ok with thin brisket and no lobster in my Ph

My favorite Bible quotation as argument trivia:

Mrs. Handegg gets an infusion of Remicade every few weeks for UC.

The pills smell terrible, so I honestly assumed it would make it’s way into my sweat. Does that make any sense, I don’t know..

I was told years ago Vitamin B1 (Thiamin). My only evidence is anecdotal, but I try my best to take one pill a day each summer.

You dumb Wisconsonite, Steven B.

Ken Jennings needs to find Buzzy’s level of charisma and *something* different to do with his hands. I agree that he’s the frontrunner, if only for his legacy as GOAT of the show and nerdy-but-not-too-nerdy delivery, but holy cow he could use more work.

Picture (if it works): Ken Jennings’s hands during his guest host

I don’t really see the exodus that you are describing, but I totally get it if you’re not anywhere near a city. I’m in the Lehigh Valley and thankfully both of my state reps are Dems (as is my congressional representative). We could use your vote and many others from the cities out to the burbs to get Fetterman into

Really love that last line

Gee, what is different about Maxine Walters compared to, say, Donald Trump?  Leadership showing their whole ass..

You’re either intentionally or unintentionally distorting the perspective here.  While Nazi doctors did experiment on black victims as well, was anything nearly as evil as the atrocities committed at Auschwitz?  Did not the downplaying of cigarette dangers affect black communities as well? 

This is my interpretation.

I do not remember them being offensively loud, but they *were* noticeably louder than a typical chip bag.

At the time I remember being in disbelief that a company would revert back to a worse (for the environment..) product just because people kept complaining about how loud the bags were.  Fast forward 11 years

I’m just here to say that Sheetz > Wawa*, which is obligatory for all Pennsylvanians to weigh in on.

*Both are fine, tbh. Sheetz just has better (if less healthy) food. Wawa has better coffee and a louder/more annoying fanbase, which makes sense given the number of Eagles fans in this state.

Also, it’s incredible that

This is the argument I (routinely) came back to when talking with dipshits from my hometown Re: another unnecessary billionaire (Trump). He would bulldoze my entire hometown for, like, $100,000 profit.

The rich do not care about all of these stans.

I do enjoy finding the comment(s) on every one of these stories when someone
“always knew that [Celebrity accused of whatever] was [creepy/weird/disgusting/off]; I had a feeling!”