HandEgg lost his burner key

He was nothing if not durable.  You don’t become the league’s all-time rushing leader without durability, great OL or not.  Also, everyone brings up the super dominant Cowboys of the early 90s and forgets that they were basically dogshit after 1996.  Emmitt Smith = not overrated

I’m hoping the Steyer and Buttigieg supporters gravitate towards her in larger numbers (fingers crossed..).  I, too, will be voting for her.

I’m already seeing Bernie supporters bitching about her staying in but if her staying makes it that Bloomberg is NOT the nominee I will consider it a worthwhile endeavor.

Yes, she can.  What makes you think she didn’t learn a huge lesson from the whole Native American thing?  I would absolutely love to see her spell out, in detail, how bad Trump is, only for him to throw back 5 year old insults.  Must-see TV, cuz you know he’d get super mad / disheveled

Wouldn’t it be ironic if they were targeting Stephen Miller on anti-semitic grounds..

Sad to be reminded that Dean Cain is a douche now..

Pennsyltuckian here (I escaped, though).  Can confirm.

Your response.

And further icing on the cake, let’s tell them it’s “God’s way of punishing them” for [insert 2+ sins of the Trump Administration here].

a missed detail by the otherwise enjoyable writers at The Takeout

lol. You’re still making plenty of rich assholes rich(er) with your spending habits. As the article points out though, your money is safer in banks.

lol harsh

Thank you for the Ferngully reference


What in the actual fuck is that meatball tweet.

Also, I encourage more people to sign up like that Sanders supporter did lol

“Vote for Mike”

Fucking incredible. The NYT is running Op-Eds from THE GODDAMN TALIBAN but WaPo can’t be bothered to run an environmental piece that details the Sanders plan. Establishment gonna establish...hard

The debates with Warren - if Trump participated - would be HIGHLY entertaining. She can laugh off his low-brow insults all while strongly implying he doesn’t know much of anything about the way the world works in every statement she makes. Must-see TV!

Lol he is kind of an egg, isn’t he?

I’ll take the spring chicken over Mayo Pete and Klo-boring-char.

The key, too, is to not let the more progressive camps and their bases eat each other and let a centrist get the upper hand.

Bernie, Warren and even Steyer’s support needs to come together (I don’t know that it has to be *soon* but it needs to be an inevitability) to stop the Mayo Pete/Biden/Klo-boring-char/Bloomberg
