HandEgg lost his burner key

Morningstar, bro.  Morningstar.

The center of the state will definitely vote for Trump again.  Here’s hoping Philly, Pittsburgh and any cities in the Commonwealth can outnumber them.

Those houses were priority stops growing up, I’m surprised the kids didn’t dig it

Friendly reminder to vote and encourage as many people as you know to do the same.  60% turnout kills this backwards thinking

SWISS FRANC TRADER: can u put 6m swiss libor in low pls?…

I like thinking that Sherman may *not* have tried to intercept a ball if only Baker shook his hand... lol gtfoh Richard

Loved Bernie in 2016, would prefer he stay in the Senate (with real power and influence... ah, to dream...) for 2020 and beyond.


Hey now: they only like SNAP benefits for white ppl


Good Lord wtf

Fight fire with fire.  What’s Alan Grayson up to these days?  He was willing to call GOP scum what they are.  Let him make the rounds, I say!

Yes.  Turnabout is fair play and if Millennials are killing every chain restaurant under the sun, we should point out that most boomers are fucking sociopaths.

“We watched footage that is not from tv cameras, and he clearly broke the rules. No, we will not be sharing this evidence. Why is this so controversial?"

You are not intelligent and no one values what you have to say.

Probably cuz Rodgers started just doing his own thing and ignoring the coach, yeah?  Thought I read that somewhere

Woke up (having got black-out drunk) and did not remember.  Opened my phone and the cnn homepage was up, decorated with headlines about Trump’s victory.  I screamed “What the FUCK?!” and woke up my friend who had crashed on my couch.  Twas an awful, awful day.

Tony: *scrambled phone call* He was a Cheshhhhchnyan. Worked for the department of theshhhhhhh interiorshhhhhh*
Paulie: Said he’s a Czechoslovakian. An interior decorator.


These dipshit Eagles defenders with 3 horrible hits in this game alone. 1 of which on a teammate.