HandEgg lost his burner key

Any worry about the lung issues with serial vapers that are popping up across the country?  It’s got.. my friend.. a bit concerned about their habit..

Follow up question: what the actual fuck?

This was my first thought.

This is the take. I grew up with Sheetz and, while most of my loyalty is there, I can appreciate the occasional food item from wawa (and their superior coffee). People who grew up in the Wawa cult that think it’s gas station food par excellence, and there’s just no reasoning with them.

Both have surcharge-free ATMs,

Fuck Yuengling.

Ironically, the knee was suggested as a more ‘respectful’ protest to just sitting on the bench during the anthem.  Didn’t work and a bunch of mouth breathers got real upset lol

Heh.  These guys mostly just hang out in the hallways, even going to far as to IGNORE students in the halls that should obviously be in class.  They’re really only there for the worst of all situations, not some mouthy teens (they got Phys-Ed teachers for that, right?)

The high school(s) near me went from 1 resource officer to 3 and 4 armed ex-cops, respectively. The reasoning was all about reaction time. The difference was 80 seconds until threat neutralized (with armed guards in and around the campus) or much, much longer if you have to wait for other police to get to the school. 

Got a speeding ticket around Lebanon last December.  Drove back up to (finally) fight it in June.  You’re right; beautiful as it may be, there ain’t much else to do besides be in nature.

Eat your heart out, that Prague commenter guy..

Can not wait for the next Dem to go scorched earth on all of that dotard’s administrative goals/ executive orders.

If it can be anchored on a pond, that would be kinda cool.  I would not recommend a moving body of water though

What does the amusement park have to gain by doing this? Hanlon’s razor imho

I feel like Chris Blewitt was not given a fair shake..

Damn.  I just donated to him to help him get into the next debate.  His was a voice worth listening to.  I hope he’s involved on the national level in some way, perhaps as EPA director.

Good kinja

I know that his chin has been the - butt - of many a joke but HOLY SHIT I did a double-take scrolling through because it’s worse than I remembered it.

Home of challenge pissing!

My dad drank Natty Boh while I was growing up. The Natty Boh guy is literally my earliest memory of a cartoon ‘brand’ character (beating out even Ronald McDonald). My dad doesn’t necessarily appreciate when I tell that story..

As for the beer itself, it’s... fine.  You could do a lot worse for the price point, but it’s