HandEgg lost his burner key

What?  No.  Those were awful.

Well, now I’ve learned something, just like our guy Nicholas.  Thanks for the info.

It would be unwise for a guy that gets dunked on by other rappers to provoke 6'10"270 lb. Kendrick fucking Perkins.

I would support this maybe - maybe - if we also up the number of Senators to 4 per state.  Assuming it leads to the death of the modern day GOP.

Thank you for sharing.  This is very good

It still gets me every time when I realize that Bernie Sanders is the JUNIOR SENATOR from the great state of Vermont, whose beer and cheese I adore like few things in this world.


A+ username

The team that signed NATHAN FUCKING PETERMAN and didn’t want to pay Khalil Mack is not the most intelligent franchise, I think

You’re alright in my book


Buddy and I inadvertently bought those about a decade ago. We were like “Who gets jazzed up about this bottle design? How tf is this going to sell more cases? Who is this for?!”

Our 3rd roommate comes in from work, opens the fridge and

Dead Climbers” is a better band than anything at Coachella tbh

Loving that Kelly Faircloth got the quilt story. I see you, Jezebel assignments manager!

Not against their religion perhaps, but steak sauce is usually against one’s taste buds.  There are better condiments to use

A buddy of mine started campaigning for Krasner pretty much as soon as he made it known he was running. It was partially in response to Trump winning PA (ugh...), but still there was a lot of support behind this guy from young progressives in Philly. He’s the real deal.

I have never agreed with anything on this website as much as I agree with this post. Dems need to TAKE THEIR TIME looking under EVERY. SINGLE. ROCK about Trump and the GOP’s corruption.  Turn it into the Senate majority in 2020.

Narrow win, eh? By what percentage? SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS #Justice4Jizyah

The more boomers that die between 2016 and 2020, the better off we all are.


Credit where it’s due, I’ve seen PA Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick’s name quite often on these votes where he bucks the dumbass Republican party and is voting with Dems. He somehow survived re-election in 2018 and now he’s trying to solidify his seat for good, it seems.