HandEgg lost his burner key

I’m waiting for the actual illustrated rendition of Storm Duck vs. Pope Thrower.

Each Pope he throws has a different pointy hat and/or ability, though they are only summoned for a brief amount of time (like the Assist Trophies in Smash Bros.)

Storm Duck’s powers are self-explanatory obvi

I... don’t think he did?  This reads to me as a fair assessment of the blog’s title.

My best friend and I have probably seen more than 2/3rds of these films in theaters together. He recognized him right away, but I did not. To be fair I think he did his proper diligence in re-watching everything leading up to Endgame.

Better than swimming in the pit of misery.

I’ve got 11 years in over 2 states and I guess I’m happy I don’t share your cynicism. I can only speak for where I’ve worked but we’ve nominated some pretty highly qualified teachers more than once. Anyone that beats them must be pretty good on paper or in person, and you could no doubt say the same for the next level

I haven’t paid the greatest attention, but I think he just finished a “listening tour” about the marijuana decriminalization.  Best I can say is that it didn’t appear to make national waves with any controversy.

They have to be pretty fucking qualified to make it out of their district, county, and then state. Even if they *are* “nominating themselves,” in your view.

Imagine a timeline where Beto and Abrams challenge for two red as hell Senate seats in 2020, Bernie and Biden stay in the Senate and on the fucking bench, respectively, and 2-3 other chuckleheads with no business (yet) being Democratic Presidential primary candidates decide to sit out the impending shitstorm. 

These were posted all over the state, and it’s such garbage fearmongering.  Thank God the rural boomers who are scared by this bullshit are dying.

He’s the Yahoo Comments section of Presidents

I’ve bought booze in DE, CT, NJ, PA and MD and tbh it’s always a trade-off with prices re: PA stores. A bottle of wine or liquor here or there will be overpriced in PA, but I’ve seen them have the best price by a mile on certain spirits. Possible exception of the mega stores in DE where I can get Uncle Basil for $9

Just as a person who thinks it’s a severely dick move to damage 50+ computers that aren’t yours, I think he should surrender his savings. And this schmuck is doing this on a student visa, somehow unaware of the nativist immigration leanings of this administration..

Devil’s advocate, but there usually is some governmental regulation - even at the local level - over what stores come to town and/or in airports.

But, it’s a simple solution: local communities just frame the issue as one of convenience (airports are busy on Sundays) versus “The Fundamentalist Vein of Christianity

For what it’s worth, this issue arose pretty much right after that Cathy interview. Shortly after they caught heat for that (including the Boston Mayor and I believe another mayor in CA speaking out against them), conservatives had a ‘Stand With Chick-Fil-A By Going To One On [X Date] Day.’

IIRC Chick-Fil-A got sick


This is a lousy reason for opposing this.  People who have to work *now* on election day still find a way to vote (though obviously it becomes much more burdensome for certain locations and people of a certain income level).  I would think that even people that have to work an 8 hour shift on holidays can still find a

‘Ol Sudsy will be slingin’ some dirt!

My girlfriend’s parents watched Infinity Wars while myself and her two brothers gleefully filled them in on essential plot details in real time.  It was fun to try and bring them up to speed in the moment!

This comment is edgier than any of those blocks!