
Say what you will, but at the end of the day she wanted child pornography to be uncensored and was a pedophile apologist.

They’re being paid to advertise is my guess.

Honestly I have no idea why Jalopnik writers advertise Hennessey so much. Procharger’s supercharger can give you 825 HP in a package you can DIY onto a Z06 or CTS-V in a single day in your driveway for $8k. You can probably sell the OEM supercharger for $2-3k and recoup the costs. That’s not even counting any other

They’ve gotta be getting paid to run these articles.

I’m sorry to say this, but I’m pretty sure Hennessey is paying you guys to say stuff about their work. There’s no other reason this company is always featured, yet other companies that haven’t scammed people before are not.

They literally photo-shop dyno sheets. Stop putting these fucking assclowns on this site.

Jalopnik: [shown excessive chrome and swoop designs] Too busy! Too much! What happened to simple designs???

I know this will stay in the grays, but gotta post anyway. I absolutely love this. Don’t care if he had sponsors, don’t care if he works at a euro salvage yard. It’s great work, well thought out, and an impressive project. This car is a whole crap-ton of awesome, and I would daily it HARD.

Except...she doesn’t show her flaws, nor does she accept herself the way she is, and neither does her husband.

Actually, that isn’t bullshit. That is a flaw in how NEDC fuel economy test is. Under NEDC a pure electric car has infinite mpg. And plugin hybrids easily get over 200mpg.

B-21 Appropriations Hearing. It might not seem so intimidating to you, but I guarantee you that those two words strike fear into every defense contractor’s heart like no others.

Shocking! Tavarish fucks up yet another article! Let’s start with the easy, the cheap black car you posted last year was a 348 not a 355. Yes there is a big price difference. Here’s a nice f355 in the right color for under 50k with a stick:

Sorry, this is all I can think of when I hear that name.

Went a little different route. Toyota Previa Supercharged. For some reason toyota offered these guys with a factory supercharger. I think its awesome and its well below budget.

i thought taylor was responding to the “slim women’s bodies” comment, which wasn’t about race (necessarily). i though minaj made the race comment afterwards, by retweeting what a fan had said.

‘ There was only one white, female “


Taylor took her music off spotify and was applauded. We launched Tidal & were dragged.

PORN IGUANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!