
A “blight on society,” not a “plight on society.” But otherwise, I agree. AC gives me a headache and makes my apartment smell bad. But living in a top-floor apartment that heats up like a greenhouse plus global warming plus the heat from all the other AC units in the neighborhood makes AC a necessity on the

Are you trying to be a parody?

Some day, when I grow up, I want to own an NA Miata and open carry a 1911. I’ll probably get a Stetson too.

You’re screaming into the void. But you’re right.

Your answer is ironic because the E39 facelift looks way, way, way better and cleaner than the originial E39.

All this QOTD did for me was show me how nobody seems to understand the difference between a “facelift” and a “completely new model”.

OMG This thread is falling apart.

I think there are a lot people here who don’t understand the difference between a mid life facelift of a car and a whole, new, different generation (as in completely different car)!

this was a new model not a face lift

but what if the person who wrote this.... WASN’T WHITE

who didn’t see it coming? a bigger uglier version of a bland SUV? I don’t think it surprised anyone.

lol, no. nobody cares about this.

The financial crisis of 2008 explained in one internet comment.

Should we talk about that pig eating his watermelon on wall-to-wall carpeting in somebody’s home? Also, I hate the hippos’ handler.

Considering the massive amount of media appearances by Timerlake to promote this new single, does this article truly represent the personal opinion of the author? I know Gizmodo has stopped disclosing when articles are sponsored, you guys too now? Doesn't this bring up ethical concerns?