
When I first started playing Souls games, I started with DS3, and this was what happened when I would play Nameless King or Midir. It essentially started a new rule for me where I would only summon if I could use the assistance in drawing aggro, otherwise I was wasting people’s time dying in the first thirty seconds.

When it comes to streaming of any kind, what draws you is not necessarily the content, but the person streaming it. I can watch anyone play a game, but I’d rather watch the people OR team, playing it.

This saddens me, seriously, it’s so ugly. I remember at the time, many, myself included, rejoiced at the idea of the Kardashians getting their comeuppance in the form of a woman (who we perceived) they had wronged. Now it just seems like it was a case of scammers using each other, but with real life children involved?

That’s what skill is, something you take time to hone and perfect. The issue that gaming as an industry is getting in the mud at is what to do with the people who grew up playing games that no longer have the time to play the franchises they enjoy. If you’ve been playing Souls games for a while, but have now, idk

she’s wearing armor ‘cause she’s missing both feet, right? one leg and one foot? ...and an arm.... and her eyes?

I know that, but that’s because we’re both commenting on a blog post about politics ‘cause we follow politics. Many people don’t do this. And if you’re not involved, what you’re following is how your day to day life has changed, and it’s only gotten harder for many. When you examine the votes you made in the past

I feel that another key here is that not only will people not vote for Dems, they won’t vote at all, being that apparently the Democrat’s goals are the same as Republican goals. They are virtually indistinguishable at this point to people who don’t have every waking moment of their lives to pay attention to the news,

That wouldn’t bring the child back, so...

I watched a playthrough where someone was immediately suspicious then assumed that Gostoc was Patches. When they got locked in the room they felt even more sure. It’s kind of fun to have a game pull the wool out from under you of, ‘i thought this game only had one lying asshole.’

It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around those who believe that she would rather go this route and be a liar, then fight for vindication by telling the truth. Why would anyone want to go through this?

All workplace discrimination works like this though. And once you receive the first comment on your hair, your lifestyle, your whatever, you keep track of these kinds of things and prepare to fight should you have to. Spoken from experience.

These are all wholly different discussions to be had. They need to be, but the kneejerk reaction of, ‘Why do this now?!’ serves no one. I’m Black, my hair is natural, this is important to me. A lot of things are important to me as well, of course, but it’s politics to pick one and go.

I’ve looked through your discussion history and I know you have a history of snark - I hope you’re engaging in this discussion in good faith.

Even then, trying to do anything on a Switch is neurosurgery. 

I teach ESOL every now and then and the scene where Ricky is practicing a bedtime story but failing at every instance of -gh cracked my students up. Bough, enough, through, and so on.

I’m gonna be the party pooper and offer that as a woman who plays these games, it gets super old real fast when every woman character has a sex joke next to her. 

This is a very white list. It’s amazing how different these thanksgiving worlds are. 

Before you yell, ‘not all men,’ realize that all men do benefit from dangerous men. The threat of violence keeps women from engaging in behaviors that men may deem as an excuse for violence, and the complicity and silence of women can be taken advantage of by all men.

That’s her point though, she doesn’t have to do anything. She’s an athlete. If her domination of the sport comes with these strings, she’s openly admitting that she’s not interested in that part. To question her commitment to the sport by virtue of her commitment to its promotion is beside the point. And like she

I think it’s a matter of what wasn’t said. I struggle with depression, and people have a lot of misconceptions of what it is and isn’t, which often leads to microaggressions or flat-out aggression with questions like, “Oh so you’re not too depressed to play videogames, huh?” or “Depression’s keeping you from keeping