Lively bras were SO PAINFUL, it was painfully obvious to me that they weren’t made for anything over a DD. I’m an F, and the wire just dug into my skin like nothing ever has!
Lively bras were SO PAINFUL, it was painfully obvious to me that they weren’t made for anything over a DD. I’m an F, and the wire just dug into my skin like nothing ever has!
got kinja’d
I honestly didn’t think about Beyonce at all, but MIA, who performed with T.I., Jay-Z, and Lil’ Wayne
I mean, if you think ‘be a better person’ works for like, idk half of the country that continues to act as if this virus doesn’t exist, then... idk what to tell you
That’s not at all what I’m saying. I’m not a nihilist. I’m saying there is a vacuum of information, one that we’re only beginning to fill. In that vacuum, people have tried to do the best with what conflicting information they have. Shaming them, acting like there is one way to do this perfectly, is not productive,…
Once again, I wouldn’t be any less deserving if I did need a ventilator, what a cruel thing to say to someone? This is what I mean when I say you just want to feel justified when other people die, you wanna feel like you did everything right. It doesn’t work that way. I’m sorry.
You misunderstand me, jealousy is not the emotion I’m talking about. It’s more like frustration, why do you get to do stuff while I’m sacrificing? And then people view the virus as a punishment. If that’s how you wanna feel about it, that’s fine.
Yeah, nobody’s suggesting that you just do whatever you want, but risk is not assessed in a vacuum, and people do the best with what they can. I used to be someone very interested in solo-travel, and the amount of folk I follow on instagram who keep doing it despite all that’s going on is crazy to me. It’s very...…
Whoa, what happened to peaceful dialogue! I mean, if you wanna sit on your high horse, anything to make you feel like you have control in this crazy ass world, then like, go you, I guess. You not having contracted covid doesn’t make you any better than those who did? Idk if anyone told you that yet.
Things like drinking too much are very simple cause/effect things though, a viruses don’t work like that. Humans can understand easily a ‘if I do this then X,’ what’s harder to impart and actually feel the weight of is a, ‘if i do this then X might occur in A, B, or C kinds of ways, and in some cases D. Even then, my…
I reread this and wanted to expand on your last point - the societal expectation that if we’re on our best behavior, that means we have given up everything does lead to a, “Well I’m never going to be able to do that, let me just accept the judgement and go live my life” kind of nihilism. Instead of this seeming like…
By going outside during a pandemic, unfortunately, everyone took that risk with or without consent. Nobody consents to a virus, they don’t work off permission. Treating them like they do creates a ‘you got it so you must be less than’ kind of attitude which just isn’t good for public health policy.
I’m a millennial, getting shit online is nothing unusual for me, but it helps you understand where you stand on certain issues for sure!
You’d think that we’d learn that this kind of attitude doesn’t work from the last pandemic, or the last virally transmitted disease, or that performing perfect behavior like abstinence doesn’t address the real issues. We’re human, we have needs, and asking us individually to sacrifice with no end in sight just won’t…
That’s not what I’m saying. It’s like shaming someone for drinking out of a plastic bottle instead of a reusable one because global warming affects us all. This problem is HUGE, and perfect behavior can’t be expected without a singular approach. If restaurants were closed, for example, people wouldn’t have a choice,…
Nope, not mad at all. I didn’t infect anyone, I was infected by someone who contracted it from work, work they were not allowed to stay at home for because our previous president didn’t deem their job acceptable to work from home. It was a risk we were willing to accept, and our risk is not everyone’s level of…
The person who got you your groceries had to put themselves at risk. So when they go home after going in and out of buildings for extended periods of time, and still contract COVID-19, are you going to say the same thing to them?
That’s a lot for individuals to bear, is what I’m arguing. Our collective society, the people elected to protect and guide us all through this have left a vacuum and people are trying to do the best with what they can. To ask humans, the very fallible beings that we are, to be perfect for nearly a year straight is...…
DIdk if your lifeboat analogy works here, because while the actions of one may affect the results of the many, food is far too a one-to-one cause/effect thing. Exposure to a virus is a risk, but it’s not one to one, which doesn’t help humans make the best decisions all the time. People make assessments on how much…