
What...are you talking about? His movies are beloved!

There’s also an underlying theme of an ‘age of magic.’ The Night King, the Lord of Light, and other forms of magic are spoken of as having a time. Dragons for example, herald a return to an age of magic. That time is now over.

I think it’s this as well as a hefty dose of shame regarding vaginal health- secretions, smells, and whatever else. Women have been socialized into regarding vaginas as naturally unkempt, and so anything to treat it is fair game. 

The dolls that children play with become one of their greatest representations of what humans can and should look like. For both boys and girls. In the case of Barbie, women can’t and shouldn’t look like her, it’s impossible and striving towards that is an unhealthy goal. In the case of young boys, there is evidence

I meant to rephrase, I meant for the future, if some legislation like this were to pass. How to appease folks who feel cheated because they’ve already paid/made extensive payments.

Lemme rephrase, you “should” get, I was thinking if something like this came to pass, to appease folks who feel like they’ve been cheated out of a benefit, they could reap the bennies of their hard work to pay off their loans for the future. 

I know nothing about anything, but I always thought that if you paid off your federal (and maybe private) student loans, or had made considerable leeway towards paying it off, you got a tax credit for it for 10 years or so. I know nothing about anything though.

Not to mention blackface in minstrelsy might be an American phenomena, but blackface as negative caricature existed in Europe WAYYYY before minstrel circuses were even thought of.

There is a slight difference in bpm, but as to who birthed what, where, and when, Idk. 

I get why people hate poachers, I do, but there’s a weird dehumanization people have regarding them. They’re humans, and they’re often driven to kill animals for money, money that goes to countries like China and the US. They’re often poor, and they do dangerous things for money like this because people outside their

Can’t we focus on both?

I literally watched it like two days ago after watching an Us review that mentioned it. Watched it again yesterday. It’s so much fun.

I’d rather do without all of the exposition. When you have characters explain the plot, the plot opens itself up to holes. I’d rather the Tethered remain mysterious and strange and omnipresent, but instead they became more and more specific. The more analogous you get to reality, the more stipulations you need.

And all the black artists she interpolated got nada. Par for the course. 

The song is built entirely on a sample though. When you sample, others get credit. That’s how it works. 

Thing about love is that it’s not education. This leads to, “I met some nice ____ but they’re not the ones _______.” Unlearning is active, affection is passive. 

I’d be there with you buttttttt - she knew she didn’t wanna go and had to have known she was unqualified, but she has been enjoying the spoils of everything that came with this deception, including these sponsorships that came with it. If I had gotten into a school I had no business being in, I would have kept my head

My high school didn’t let me sign up for the math courses included in the SAT (I had scored a B in algebra I and II, not good enough for pre-calc or trig), thus when I took the SAT I was at the utmost disadvantage. I managed to get an exactly average score (my English score was high, my reading comprehension was high,

You’re not okay with the word unless you get to use it like a white supremacist to insult your own people? Okay. Got it. Cool. 

Every episode I watch I think, “Is this girl okay?” It’s always weird how sitcoms have to stuff every character with every single flaw they can find to make them interesting, and it turns Yara’s character into an anxiety-ridden maniac who no one in their right mind would spend time with.