Ham Wallet

Hi! You must be new here. Welcome to Gawker! Here at Gawker media we twist and turn even the most obviously shitty story to get at every last drop of outrage. It’s like origami for shitty bloggers.

He was in illegal possession of a firearm. The cops were called to investigate someone intimidating and brandishing it. He didn’t submit and had to be tased. Then resisted further and allegedly reached for his weapon. So not entirely out of the realm of justified shooting.

Naw, got to spin it for max sympathy. And I doubt race was a factor, more like “holy shit, this 300lbs almost 6ft tall guy might be reaching for his gun to kill me”. But I mean... shitty racist white cops, amirite?

If they did see Alton Sterling reach for a gun then we can safely say the shooting was justified. If there was no gun then we can safely say the cops, or at least the one who pulled the trigger, should be found guilty of murder. If there was a gun but no evidence that Mr. Sterling was reaching for it then things gets

It’s a little bit conspicuous that you don’t mention the fact that he’s a registered sex offender because he was convicted for performing sex acts with a minor. You also don’t mention that he was on probation and thus, his carrying of a weapon at all would have been illegal.

Yeah, a ham wallet.

oh....that’s....that’s a wallet