
@TheFu: Be aware though that most plastic bottles turn into germ Hell after one use.

Whoa there!

In Google Calendar related news... is it possible to get calendar items' descriptions to show up when you hover or single-click them? I can't figure if it's possible. Sucks having to go into edit mode to read the notes for an entry.

The ONLY thing I watch on TV is live sports. But I *do* want to be able to do that. To get the just 2 channels I need for that, I have to subscribe to the maximum size cable package. No choosing. Pay to keep the crappy channels you don't want alive :(

They still haven't fixed their show stopper oversight, which I reported on their forums in early beta (to my knowledge, anyway).

@Sage - my thioughts exactly... Final Fantasy? Didn't even exist... I was hoping for Spyhunter, Underwurlde, Zork text... stuff like that :)

Aaaaaaaaah! Popout screens! Make it stop! oh God. Please... make... it... stop.

In related news (and a desperate attempt to not hijack this thread...)

Yugma springs to mind... only 10 people for free, but still a very good offering in my opinion.

Yeah would like to give it a try - just on general principle :)

I'd love an invite too, if anyone has the energy to cope with yet another needy soul :)

A Dropbox invite would be very welcome :)

Don't dismiss this out of hand - it actually works really well if you understand it and use it correctly, preferably in a team.

Makes perfect sense, actually - they've probably secured the games from the network providers with the specific clause that they cannot broadcast the shows where it would hurt the networks. What do American networks care if MLB airs in e.g. Sweden - they're not doing business there anyway.

I'd actually rather read an article on WHY to install Ubuntu or the like. All I ever read is "It's fantastic!" and then the next 10+ lines are about completely common things that don't work like GFX drivers, peripherals, various programs etc.

To enable this, just go to Tools - Options - Content - Block pop-up windows (exceptions) and enter "mail.google.com"

I'll give this a shot... weird thing is, I get this issue on my main PC with Vista Ultimate, but NOT on my laptop running the same OS. My main is now on the Firefox beta Minesweeper (rock solid for me). Really, really weird - hope this fixes things, though, as there are few extensions available that are compatible

While the end result is something I'd definitely like, there's no way I'm going through the amount of hassle Gcal takes to get up and running... call me lazy, but I'm waiting for a GUI that'll get it done for me. Dropdown with the online apps I want to sync - enter pass, dropdown with the offline apps I want to sync -