Hamster Poop

How many of these running around and shooting games can you people play before you get bored? It looks like every other war game out there.

Another crap band getting their own music game. Can't they at least give half decent bands their own game?

@bigox 25: Doesn't matter what you say. That's how it is.

@BlueBeard: It's a word among internet nerds, but it's not a real word. Nor is "videogame". It's video game.

Another game where you run around and shoot enemies. That's original. Because, you know, there aren't 15 of those games coming out every month.

"Ragequit" should be in quotes in the title and article, since it's not a real word. And you are assuming that people leave a game in rage, when they just might be bored or tired of playing.

Ebert saying games can't be art is evil? Please, man. Get over it already. Or do I need to get you a diaper?

@Tyber_Zann: I get paid in the first half of the week. You fail, it seems.

I am so not impressed with this game. It sounded promising when I first read about it, but the videos have only made me lose all interest in the game. They didn't do a good job with the visuals at all, and it just doesn't look that fun.

@bigox 25: Yes. With the 60s and women demanding to be treated the same as men, chivalry became sexism.

@OkayOctane: Then it stops being news and becomes opinion. News is reporting facts. JUST facts. It doesn't involve the opinion of the person reporting the news.

@Lansu: you can't get cat pee out of any couch. Come smell our couch. We've tried many times, and had it done professionally once.

@OkayOctane: I read it because the main page layout is better than Joystiq.

@skrame ☆: You're welcome. As you can see by Odb718, not everyone knew how it was pronounced.

@Odb718: I did too until I looked it up. Having it sound like "meem" makes the whole thing even worse.

Anyone pick up the new issue f the relaunched EGM? It's a fantastic piece of work.

@OkayOctane: I wasn't referring to this post. Not every post has a bias in it from the "editors", but a lot do. And who cares about friendliness? It's a web site. It's main function should be to provide news on games; the rest is just filler. The video reviews of games and other things are nice, but they don't make me

@Altima NEO: Then they might have urinary tract infection, or they're just jerks. Changing the food might still help the puking. Senior hairball formula or something like that.