Hamster Poop

So basically they'll make yet another first person shooter, which will then be milked for the next 10 years, assuming FPS games are still that popular in 10 years.

@Walking Eye!: I think he meant more along the lines of them publishing their own games.

I have wanted a Sumo Sac chair for a couple of years now, but have no room for one. When I have room, I'll be getting one.

@Altima NEO: Make sure their box is always clean. If possible, get a another box. Don't put either of them near their food. Ideally, have one more box than you have cats. Some cats don't like sharing.

I'll side with GameStop. First of all, news like this isn't important. None of the news posted on this site is important, so there is no need to break the rules you agreed to when you signed up to work there.

Yay. Another "meem".

@OkayOctane: He's one of the people working on this site. The rest of them, except for maybe Totilo, are amateurs trying to be professionals. Just look at some of the language the others use and how biased/condescending some of them are when just reporting on something like a new game. Not to mention all the fluff

@reecord2: Yeah. What, you pronounce it as meme? It's pronounced "meem".

@Wiss: It's spelled meme, but it's pronounced "meem".

@e_x_i_t: Same here. I get to see realistic things all day. I like my games to be different; colourful cheery, fun.

@S-135: Lorem Ipsum Dolor is placeholder text.

@Chocobo_Shepherd: Keep in mind that this site s nothing but a web log run by amateur writers trying to be journalists. So they'll run 20 stories about the next generic Call of Duty game because they all like that series, but will only cover games like this sparsely.

@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: Licensing issues with the WWE and/or past wrestlers, I am assuming.

@Wiss: Is this one of those ridiculous internet "meems" where you pretend you have the ability to confirm something ridiculous and people are supposed to think it's funny and clever?

@MrTheMoopie: Nice try patting yourself on the back, thinking your comments are important enough to hurt someone's feelings. Get off your high horse.

@minneyar: I've had experiences that were the opposite. I was out with some chick several years ago whom I quickly decided I had no interest in. So to try to make sure she felt the same way, I acted kind of jerky. Not towards her, but in general. Complaining about this, snarky comments about that, general disinterest

@boopadoo: It's a bit of both, but it depends on if he does nicethings for all women, or just the ones he is interested in. If it's all women, and he isn't as nice to guys, then it seems sexist. If it's just chicks he's interested in, then it's normal. If it's everybody (guys included), then he is too nice and is

@Josh: If you hold the door open for everyone, then it's common courtesy. If you only hold it open for women, it's sexist. Chivalry died with Women's Liberation in the 60's. They want to be treated equally; anything else is sexist. If you are only holding the door open for someone because they are a women, then that's